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03-17-2012, 09:04 PM
All your doing is changing your COAL a few thousandths? Same powder load, etc.

03-17-2012, 10:12 PM
Yes sir went through first thing with all my 223's and done ladder tests with varget from 24-27 in .2 increments at 26.2,26.4,26.6 were all touching so I started from an oal of 2.318 long so there would be no pressure spike when I got to the lands so I went with 26.4 and started with 3shot groups and changing the seatin depth after I got my oal gauge and it seems I've found something worth loading up a few more of... It's been a cluster screw to say the least but if all else fails I'll run 55nbts

03-17-2012, 11:26 PM
This is hard to believe about .010 is making this much difference in your groups.

Am I correct on this?

The 69smk's were easy to tume on my 223.

I am going to have to try this when dialing in my 53 grn V-Max! I guess I am going to start around 26.4 and a COAL of 2.892

I know A-Max's and V-Max's are sensitive to seating, but not this critical!

03-18-2012, 10:10 AM
Unless I've screwed something up (very possible) I have shot more bullets out of this gun with just the 53's than all of the rest of my 223's test loads so yea it's been and still is a freaking nightmare.

03-18-2012, 11:36 AM
Post 1 off your best targets with the 53's...Maybe I can help you walk it in.. ...Here's 1 of my 3/100 55gr NBT, 26.1gr Benchmark loads...

1Shot, I am going to try this as I like NBT's! What is your COAL?


03-18-2012, 11:59 AM
...I'm +.015 off the lands....On my 55 grainers... ;)

03-18-2012, 12:09 PM
This has been a very interesting thread! As stated, I love my 223. I am going to find the perfect load for V-Max's and NBT's!

Just for the record, I love my 22-250 and use it for longer range shots! It was simple to find a load it likes compared to the 223's! My 243 BVSS was simple and as stated recently, it love 55 and 70 grn NBT's!

For even more fun, my 308 loves 110 V-Max.

Next, I might find a load for my 338 Edge, light bullets! ;)

03-19-2012, 07:55 AM
Well my other 223's have never gave me any problems like this turd within a couple weeks id have them shooting tiny holes at 100 with a crapy rest and homade table now I belong to a range with concrete tables and all that jazz and cant get this gun to shoot I've got probably 30 targets if not more from
Just this gun barrel looks like corrugated pipe like others have had problems with so idk I went out yesterday and shot about 1.5"-10shot group unexceptable to me. May have a sav-10 and a few thousand 53vjunks for sale here in the near future :/

03-19-2012, 07:17 PM
I am embarrased to post the picture below, but I was tierd when I got in yesterday and mark it wrong. It's marked right now if you can read through the scribble scratch. The first target was shot with 52gr Berger Flat Based, disregard, the next three are 53grn V-Max's. I used your last load except used RL 15, but used the same COAL! This seems to be the ticket for the 53 v-max's. I might load up 10 with Varget just to see if a difference shows up! Definetly going to drop .1 grns and add .1grn, and will change the COAL to see the differences! Looks like we should be close on our loads!

This is the first round of 53 V-Max's through my BVSS 223 9 twist with 26.4 RL 15. The first shot in the 1pm position was the first shot, almost like a foul shot, the other four were on! I believe I can easily tune this bullet in with my gun! The second picture shows two other groups .2 grns off. This is really the first time I have tune in a 223. I still can't believe how delicate they are. I shot some at 27.0 grns and they "WERE" definetly too hot! FYI



Any suggestions, let me know.


03-19-2012, 10:01 PM
Now that's the kind of groups I am looking for but sadly I have tried jump jam varget, H4895,H322 and shot roughly 350 of the. And going 1k miles and loading up 2k rounds per rifle I'm not taking something that *****y I want somethin that runs and I can load up 2k of them and not worry about wasting my time loading up "shelf" accuracy ammo. I gotta get some more loaded and gonna try the 50nbt and work up the 55nbt some more I want somethin to run not shoot 3 and then take a dump keep me posted Dennis on what you find on your rifle.

03-19-2012, 10:15 PM
...Your 6br shoots like my little .221AL... ;D...Time to give the 53's the apple or orange test... ;)


03-19-2012, 10:50 PM
^jelous :-[ dennis for poops and gigs if you get a chance i see you're using rl15 and a wlr primer, primers i have not changed had a bunch of 400's so i wanted to stay with them if you have any 400's see what it does with them im just straight up bewildered.

03-20-2012, 02:07 AM
I have 400's, 450's, and remmy 7 1/2's!

I have plenty of WLR's and just starting using them and have very good luck with them.

I will try some 400's, I know it will make a difference as picky as these two guns are!

But are you saying you would be happy with my 26.4 RL15 loads?

Just wondering, as I was going to try getting the 223 53 V-Max's to shoot like my 6br!


I might load up 10 with Varget just to see if a difference shows up! Definetly going to drop .1 grns and add .1grn, and will change the COAL to see the differences! Looks like we should be close on our loads!

Going to try the same with RL15, drop .1 and add .1 with both powders, see what happens, then change primers!

03-20-2012, 01:28 PM
Awesome man keep me updated I'd be happy to see groups like the ones your rl15 is laying down especially after almost 400 bullets and 1/2-3/4" groups are the good ones! Lol I'm glad to see that your coal changing is doing the same thing mine is so its not just me maybe supercopin up as team we'll find something that runs the way we want is that rl15 an extreme powder? Heard alot about reloader just haven't tried it

03-22-2012, 07:04 PM
well maybe not a pet load but perhaps a pet peve. called savage as to chatter marks in the barrel. savage says a sav-10 tact. should shoot 1" at 100 I asked the plesant lady on the phone.. how many rounds? umm.... 3or5 she says. ok so no sense in wasting good money chasing bad by sending it back on my dime and them saying its ok! so broke out the ol snap on bore scope today.... yea chatter marks from He!! and the chamber itself looks like crap.. so i guess its gonna take another barrel to fix this gun.. it takes roughly 24 hours to get the copper out of it after shooting no more than 35 rounds through it. using butches 50 cal and wipe out and accelerator. over it tent stake. lol

03-26-2012, 07:44 PM
Well, I shoot 40 & 55 NBT's, and 55 V-Max's yesterday.

I am not finished with the NBT's, but check out the 55grn V-Max group. Shot several likewise!

I messed up with one round, it should have been in there with the other 4 :o


03-26-2012, 08:47 PM
hmm ive had good luck with the 55nbt myself how are the 55 vmaxes to load being fb i ushually dont ever consider it being they are from what i understand a pita to deal with.. and have heard "" they only work out to about 250-300 yards before they start doing dumb things. no experience thoughts??

03-26-2012, 09:40 PM
from what i understand a pita to deal with.. and have heard "" they only work out to about 250-300 yards before they start doing dumb things

I found the 40grn NBT's to be the PIA!!!!! I can't say the 55 V-max's were any trouble, pretty easy! NBT 55grns were easy also!

Now I am just getting started with my 223 also, so someone will have to tell us if the 55's will do dumb things past 250yds!

03-27-2012, 01:33 PM
How did the 40's shoot??

03-27-2012, 02:15 PM
Don't know what went wrong, all I could do is go by the Nossler Reloading manual! Maybe 3" groups! 40 nbt's

28.0 grns area seemed a little hot for them!

If you have something, let me know. They were the hardest to load out of all I tried! 28.0 almost filled up the case! FYI
