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09-22-2012, 11:56 PM
82Boy, I'm going to disagree with you to a certain degree. Questions like these always make me laugh a bit because everyone has different expectations of accuracy. I shoot with a lot of match shooters including some anal BR guys and most of them do not bother with primer pocket cleaning. They do uniform new brass but only during initial brass prep. Some of the guys do not clean their brass at all. I wouldn't say that primer pockets are "overlooked", I would say they are ignored. It is an absolutely unnecessary step that is done purely for aesthetics. Guys like shiny brass.

Seating a primer on a dirty pocket is looking for trouble??? Seriously?

All I can say is the "anal BR guys" your talking about must not be competitive, I cant think of a competitive Benchrest shooter that doesn't uniform their primers. When I went through Jack Neary's tuning clinic, he also stated that unifrorming the primer pocket after every firing is one of the most curtial things that can be done for accuracy. When it comes down to wining and loosing by a couple thousands of an inch, I cant think of a single BR shooter that would be willing to risk loosing on the possibility that they seated a primer on a dirty pocket. Also consider that most benchrest shooters will pay between $75 $120 dollars just for a priming tool to garentee that each primer is set to the proper deeph, I can imigine then using it, and saying that it dont matter if you seat a primer on a dirty pocket.

09-23-2012, 08:34 AM
All I can say is the "anal BR guys" your talking about must not be competitive, I cant think of a competitive Benchrest shooter that doesn't uniform their primers. When I went through Jack Neary's tuning clinic, he also stated that unifrorming the primer pocket after every firing is one of the most curtial things that can be done for accuracy. When it comes down to wining and loosing by a couple thousands of an inch, I cant think of a single BR shooter that would be willing to risk loosing on the possibility that they seated a primer on a dirty pocket. Also consider that most benchrest shooters will pay between $75 $120 dollars just for a priming tool to garentee that each primer is set to the proper deeph, I can imigine then using it, and saying that it dont matter if you seat a primer on a dirty pocket.

I guess I was not aware that uniforming primer pockets was the same thing as cleaning them..My mistake....My bench priming tool will seat a primer in a dirty pocket with ease..And I understand that maybe a hand primer will not do the same job..And as far as careing what someone thinks about my brass not being shiney,,I could care less what they think..You can clean it untilthe cows come home and still not be a good shot...You do your thing and come on over and show me your accuracy..Do a simple test yourself..Load some with uncleaned pocket and some cleaned..Then do some shooting and see if they is a difference.I think you will be surprised...Like I did the same thing with inside neck cleaning..I found the inside clean necks shot some what worse than the dirty inside necks...Only thing I could figure was that the risidue was like a lube..The bullets even seated easier...So go figure..

Deerhunter 28
09-25-2012, 11:07 PM
Yes every time

PSE EVO 57 Lbs.
Blacked out

09-25-2012, 11:21 PM
+1 with Patrick's comments - I'm 100% with him on this....

09-25-2012, 11:41 PM
I cant think of a competitive Benchrest shooter that doesn't uniform their primers. When it comes down to wining and loosing by a couple thousands of an inch, I can't think of a single BR shooter that would be willing to risk loosing on the possibility that they seated a primer on a dirty pocket. Also consider that most benchrest shooters will pay between $75 $120 dollars just for a priming tool to guarantee that each primer is set to the proper depth, I can imagine then using it, and saying that it don't matter if you seat a primer on a dirty pocket.

I know one person who doesn't - and he's usually sitting in the seat next to you on the way to and from matches. :whistle: Can't say I've ever seen Fred clean or re-uniform a primer pocket while reloading between relays at a match (unless he's just recently started doing it). And from what I hear, he's still whipping up on you and that fancy new-fangled "Spruce Goose" of yours. LOL


As for me, I'll uniform the primer pocket when I first get the brass and ream the primer passage hole, but that's it. If it's Lapua or Norma brass that lasts awhile I may end up cleaning them once or twice over the course of 20-30-40 loadings, but usually don't bother with the cheaper Win/Rem/Hornady brass.

09-26-2012, 12:30 AM
I'm pretty much a believer in uniforming the pockets as part of the initial brass prep, but cleaning after that....ehhhh.

I made these for use in my Wilson trimmer many moons ago. IIRC they are the old style from Sinclair.

Most brass including Norma and Lapua always seem to have radius at the edge of the pocket wall and floor to varying degrees and some brass the floor is tapered, low in the center. After squaring depending on the primer anvil you'll see two or three spots with primer residue on the floor and the rest of it almost perfectly clean. The other thing after squaring, when seating a primer it stops like it hit a rock instead of a spongy feeling.

BTW, I use a K&M priming tool in the room and the old Lee that came with the target loaded in my range box.

I like to feel the primers seat. After bottoming out I'll give them a little additional nudge and call it good. I do have a RCBS tube feed bench priming tool with a shortened handle, but I only use it on the rare occasion if for some reason I'm loading 20 or more rounds and I'm in a hurry!

Cleaning? Well, I'm from the camp if one think it helps it probably does!


09-26-2012, 07:58 AM
Okay, I must ask: Who, in the name of goodness, is "Patrick"? :confused:

You properly imagine I must truly enjoy displaying my ignorance before the entire universe of earthly reloaders. :sour:

Best wishes and good health to all. :angel:

09-26-2012, 09:58 AM
John_M: I believe he is referencing user 82boy.

Look at the signature line below 82boy's post.

(Don't feel stupid...it is ok to be ignorant. I was also. I had to search the thread for the answer.)

09-26-2012, 10:07 AM
I know one person who doesn't - and he's usually sitting in the seat next to you on the way to and from matches. :whistle: Can't say I've ever seen Fred clean or re-uniform a primer pocket while reloading between relays at a match (unless he's just recently started doing it). .

Well you have not paid much attention to his loading technique. He has a lee primeing tool, that he has adapted a primer pocket cleaner onto the front, and every shell he loads on there he places the case and gives it a little twist, cleaning the pockets before he seats the primer. So yes he does clean every time, and has done it as long as I have known him, and shot with him. You may not have noticed it because it is very subtle.

Now for beating up on the Spruce goose you may want to check out the SE Ohio match report. I had a bad flyer in the first match, (It is wasn't for that it would have been a nice small group.) but you may want to look and see who shot the smaller groups in the second 2 match's. (Dang it I came close to winning money 3 times, and at the very end, I would just get beat out.)

09-26-2012, 10:32 AM
So, he doesn't re-uniform them, then?

09-26-2012, 10:58 AM
Nope, but at least he does clean them.
But I can say that it is safe to say Fred has learned a lot this year, and how subtle little things can make a big diference. For example, Fred has realy shot good this year, before he was competitive, but now he is more of a terror than ever, and just plain dang shooting good. Fred changed one thing in his reloading technique, and this has made all the diference, He stated trimming the me-plats on his bullets. Fred is experimenting with diferent stuff, and who know he might try uniforming the primer pockets, and it may make a big diference for him.

I started cleaning the insides of the necks on my brass again, I thought that this was a waste of time, but I can say it did make a diference for me. In the end, what this all pretains to is finial tweeking of a round, and the affects of it on accuracy. Many will shoot well doing the things they do, and many can say they have tried this and it did not work for them, but it may be that they have not truly properly documented the evidence before and after, to come to the conclusion, that they have come to. On uniforming primer pockets, just about every BR shooter I know dose it, Top names in the sport swear by it, (Read Mike Ratigan book, and look at other sources.) and I have come to the conclusion, to get the utmost in accuracy, it is absolutly necassary. With this all said I will qoute something a smart man that has been my shooting mentor has always said when asked questions about relaoding or gun building ETC "If it makes you feel good then do it, if it dont, then dont do it."

09-26-2012, 12:54 PM
If I am taking the time to turn case necks, why would I chance inconsistent primer seating? I clean; every time.

09-26-2012, 02:03 PM
Well you have not paid much attention to his loading technique. He has a lee primeing tool, that he has adapted a primer pocket cleaner onto the front, and every shell he loads on there he places the case and gives it a little twist, cleaning the pockets before he seats the primer. So yes he does clean every time, and has done it as long as I have known him, and shot with him. You may not have noticed it because it is very subtle.

Now for beating up on the Spruce goose you may want to check out the SE Ohio match report. I had a bad flyer in the first match, (It is wasn't for that it would have been a nice small group.) but you may want to look and see who shot the smaller groups in the second 2 match's. (Dang it I came close to winning money 3 times, and at the very end, I would just get beat out.)

Never noticed the modification to Fred's Lee priming tool, but never really looked real closely at it either. Touche`

As for the Spruce Goose - I wasn't beating up on it, just ribbing you a little. I'm actually waiting for ya to get that stock painted and post up some pics so we can watch everyone scratch their heads trying to figure out what it is. lol

Heard you did pretty good down south the other weekend but kept getting edged out for small group by someone in the later relays.

09-26-2012, 07:31 PM
guess i'm anal when it comes to cleaning my brass i deprime my brass in a universal deprimer then run mine thru a ultra-sonic cleaner for 24 minutes next tumble for 1 hour then resize . i couldnt beleive how much crud came out of my brass the first time i sonic cleaned them .

09-26-2012, 11:07 PM
As for the Spruce Goose - I wasn't beating up on it, just ribbing you a little. I'm actually waiting for ya to get that stock painted and post up some pics so we can watch everyone scratch their heads trying to figure out what it is. lol .

I almost put a picture up of it, I had it up for a minute, and then I pulled it down. I will say that it is showing some promis. I know that you was razzing me, but I thought I would still defend her honer. She is just an expermintal little girl, that I am sure would cause quite a stir.;)

09-27-2012, 06:49 AM
one thing that got me was i was starting to show alittle bit of pressure sign on some of my cases now let me say these cases are on thier last set of reloadings i've been shooting them and reloading them for heck 3yrs maybe i lost count on how many times i have reloaded them (lapua). after i started using the sonic cleaner on them the pressure sign i was seeing went away i ruled out powder lot difference(same lot) the only thing that comes to mind is i had so much crude in the case that it was taking up some case volume and maybe increasing pressure there. and yes the slugde was thick.

10-04-2012, 07:15 PM
I almost put a picture up of it, I had it up for a minute, and then I pulled it down. I will say that it is showing some promis. I know that you was razzing me, but I thought I would still defend her honer. She is just an expermintal little girl, that I am sure would cause quite a stir.;)

Quit teasing us man! Put the picture up!

10-04-2012, 10:00 PM
Just wait untill she is painted, good things come to thous that wait.