View Full Version : How to measure distance to lands.

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Bradley Walker
05-03-2013, 04:18 PM
Something I've done is seat a bullet in a ctg fired in my rifle. I can usually start it in the case by hand. Then I very carefully chamber it & remove it. You do have to be careful because a bump can alter the depth the bullet is in the case. When you take the ctg out of the chamber, the lands will have pushed the bullet into the case to the depth that it touches the lands.

Take a sized case and cut two slits in either side of the neck... Then you can squeeze the two halves together with your fingers to increase or decrease the neck tension for seating... You want it to be hard but not hard enough not to be able to move it with your fingers.

Close the bolt on the overly long seated bullet, then guy the round out with your hand so the ejector does not slant the bullet as you remove it.

Measure the length from the ogive... repeat five times. You will see a value that repeats.