View Full Version : Vortex Viper PST 4-16 or 6-25?

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10-22-2013, 01:15 PM
The real attraction the the Vortex, IMHO, is the value for the $$$. Just be advised that the FFP cross hairs are quite large at full power, leaving the SFP a better choice for some. We can't all afford a Nightforce

well my son bought a 6x24 vortex last year for the exact reasons you cited. so far it seems to be a very nice scope. it has all the features
of a nightforce and was about half the cost. if in five years he's still happy with it thats one thing if not thats another thing. time will tell.
as for the cross hair thickness of ffp scopes i dont need to be advised on that. shooting at distances out to a mile is something we can and
do from the front yard of our camp. as ive stated before reticles are not an issue. but to each his own and if you think its better to own
a sfp scope by all means get one.
as for nightforce the only time ive known someone to sell one was because they needed money. theres always somebody anxious
to have it.

10-22-2013, 09:57 PM
well its nice to see there are at least a few who have actually used a product before endorsing it.
im sure there will be more of the same type opinions as time goes on and the sfp option has been around longer.
all my scopes are ffp including one nightforce 8x32 nxs with the npr2 reticle. even at 32x the reticle dosent even
begin to be an issue. if you look at 1000 yd competetion virtualy all the top shooters are using ffp nightforce scopes.
then of coarse there is the military and the snipers who also rely heavily on ffp nightforces. i think its going to take an awful
lot of convincing to change many minds on this issue.

The reason your 8-32 Nighforce reticle isn't a problem at 32x is because it is second focal plane. Nightforce only makes two FFP scopes. The F1 which only comes in 3-15x, and the B.E.A.S.T. which comes in 5-25x.

1000yd competition shooters use Nightforce, but very few if any use ffp models. Most are using the regular NXS, Competition, or Benchrest series in 8-32x, 12-42x, and the new 15-55x scopes.