View Full Version : Hodgdon superformance data

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10-30-2013, 11:20 PM
Once Elk season is over I think I will call both companys and see what they say in a person to person instead of emails. Plus I can ask them other or more questions and to explain it to me because I'm and Old fart and I'm just not grasping the "What the heck are you saying?" Are you saying my beloved Striker andall Savages are not strong enough or what?" Maybe I can get to the bottom of this if talking over the phone. I will get back to you all after elk season.

11-11-2013, 09:38 AM
I too have an 8# keg of Superformance and could find little to NO data for it. So, I called Hornady and received a less than warm response concerning the requested info. I then called Hogdon and asked them. The tech said " Hornady uses several different BLENDS of powder to get the velocities advertised and SuperF has a very limited use caliber range". Hogdon did not recommend the use of SuperF in my .270 which is loaded and sold by Hornady. I checked the Hornady manual and some Hogdon data that I have from them and found one place were SuperF was used, 30-06 165's. One would think that most bullet companies would test all powders for their bullets just to tell folks not to use it. I called Nosler. They were very cooperative and said we do not recommend the use of SuperF and Hornady uses blends of powder. So I reckon I have a keg of powder to collect dust.

11-11-2013, 09:53 AM
Don't feel bad--I have a keg collecting dust too. I think they simply got the rights to use Hornady's trademark on over-production powder which was released to the public though basically useless unless you are willing to boldly go where no load information has been before.

11-11-2013, 11:44 AM
Glad to hear others got the same reponse I got. Why would they make a powder and loaded ammo that very very few can shot? Makes no sense from a from a money making product. Thousands of pounds of powder and only a few calibers and guns can shoot.
Nosler not recommeding it and they build custom rifled that.should be.stronger then of the.rack rifles. Well I am striking that powder off my list of powders to try
Sorry you guys are stuck with.a keg of it.

11-11-2013, 11:57 AM
They put a slick label on it and release tons during the shortage--bet lots of money was made. That's how I bought it. : ) When I read "limited use" it translates to me "high risk."

11-11-2013, 12:19 PM
They put a slick label on it and release tons during the shortage--bet lots of money was made. That's how I bought it. : ) When I read "limited use" it translates to me "high risk."

I bet your right on the money there! If I had seen it on the shelf I would probably have some collecting dust too.


11-11-2013, 03:42 PM
Yep, I agree. I was going to start at the low end charge weights on my loads for a .260, so I checked the burn rate chart. It is one below H4831. But, when I filled my hopper, this little voice said DO NOT DO THIS, so back in the keg it went. Thank GOD for those voices I hear :).

11-11-2013, 04:29 PM
Yep, I agree. I was going to start at the low end charge weights on my loads for a .260, so I checked the burn rate chart. It is one below H4831. But, when I filled my hopper, this little voice said DO NOT DO THIS, so back in the keg it went. Thank GOD for those voices I hear :).

EO, you here voices, too?!

My doctor said not to listen to them, they'd get me in trouble some day!

11-11-2013, 05:01 PM
EO, you here voices, too?!

My doctor said not to listen to them, they'd get me in trouble some day!

I heard that same voice….it told me the same thing…..then it said….just go hunting and do this math stuff when your thinking better. 'Cause you know you will screw the pooch trying to do some quick 'n dirty math thing!!


11-11-2013, 05:01 PM
I am picturinh EOD350 (or maybe it's Elmer Fudd) leaning over his reloading bench staring at a hopper full of SuperF. he got.ta little Angel on his right shoulder and a little.Hot Stuff devil on his left ahoulder who is.saying ".come on nothing will happen" and the little Angle is saying " You listen to that little snot on your left shoulder and you may be living with him, it's your choice, Choose wisely!"


11-11-2013, 05:03 PM
".come on nothing will happen" and the little Angle is saying " You listen to that little snot on your left shoulder and you may be living with him, it's your choice, Choose wisely!"


Rupe….you know how those cartoons always end!!


11-11-2013, 05:05 PM
Oh and the voices in my head are saying "Let's get out of here, these guys are crazy!"


11-11-2013, 05:07 PM
Rupe….you know how those cartoons always end!!


Yes I do. BOOM!
911 what is your emergency?