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07-11-2015, 08:23 PM
now the 100V OCW....

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo4-19.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo4-19.jpg.html)

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo1-106.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo1-106.jpg.html)

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo2-106.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo2-106.jpg.html)

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo3-67.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo3-67.jpg.html)

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo1-107.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo1-107.jpg.html)

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo2-107.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo2-107.jpg.html)

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo3-68.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo3-68.jpg.html)

youll notice on this OCW several of the first and third shots are in or close to the same hole...most of the third shots were after i found the butt plate issue and fixed it...im going to shoot all of the best looking groups from the H4350 test and the 100V test tomorrow morning and see how they shoot at 4 or 500yds and if the dont shoot ill re-shoot the OCW and make sure everything is tight this time LOL!!

07-11-2015, 08:44 PM
Had a simular experience today but it was the rear action screw. Couldn't figure out why my lower charges shot higher then my hottest load. DOH!

07-11-2015, 09:00 PM
I hear ya....i hate when i do stupid stuff like this...i knew i was going out 3 times today after the RL-17 shot so bad so i was trying to hurry....with the 30" barrel i have to colapse the LOP every time as it wont fit in my case...i guess i didnt tighten the screws.

07-13-2015, 08:57 AM
well one of 3 things happen this weekend...#1 i suck at shooting...#2 my scope is broken...#3 this barrel HATES 123g SMKs and as of right now im going with #3 until i can verify #1 and #2 next weekend or maybe one day this week.
the 100V shot worse than the RL-17 at distance....best group was about 5" at 400yds and showed no real promise at any seating depth so i went with the H4350 with slightly better results but nothing to make me pursue the 123g SMKs as the 123g amaxes and 142g SMKs both shot very well.

this was the first group i shot with 43.3g of H4350...i know whats causing the vertical...i like my stock butt heavy...and this makes no since to me but this 30" barrel has more muzzle rise than a 28" barrel...so i adjusted my bipod back 6" to better balance the rifle and that seemed to open up another can of worms as youll see....

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo2-109.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo2-109.jpg.html)

this is the first group after the bipod adjustment....ill take some of the blame but im pretty sure im not that bad of a shot....

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo3-70.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo3-70.jpg.html)

this was the next groups...1,2 and 3 in the same hole then 4 and 5...this is where i was like WTF????

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo1-110.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo1-110.jpg.html)

then this....

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo1-109.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo1-109.jpg.html)

and then this.....

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo2-110.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo2-110.jpg.html)

i tried from .005 jammed to .050 off and nothing....im going to shoot the RL-19 load with the 142g SMK to verify scope and shooter and will get back...im really wondering about the scope as this rifle fell out of the out of the back of my truck a year or so back.

07-14-2015, 08:54 AM
well i shot 6 rounds at 100yds last night to check the scope and its tracking as true as i can shoot so i guess 30" is just to much barrel for me so its going in today to get 4" cut off and re-crowned...i should have it back thursday.
the reason im going 26" is ive always shot 28" barrels and want to try a shorter barrel just to see the difference...if any....ill post up when i get this barrel back.

as a side note im extremely happy with the quality of this barrel i just think that 30" is to long for the type of shooting i do....it would probably be great for a bench rest shooter....so me having 4" cut off has nothing to do with the quality of the barrel....it was just something i wanted to try.

07-14-2015, 05:35 PM
I told ya so.......;)

07-14-2015, 08:08 PM
I told ya so.......;)

Ive been waiting for this LMAO....you were right but i just had to try....if the smith does a nice job and it shoots well i may take my 28" shilen to him and have it cut down to 24".

07-15-2015, 04:22 PM
Ive been waiting for this LMAO....you were right but i just had to try....if the smith does a nice job and it shoots well i may take my 28" shilen to him and have it cut down to 24".

I think we need to start calling the research and development guy instead of long range..lololol

07-15-2015, 05:35 PM
I think we need to start calling the research and development guy instead of long range..lololol


07-15-2015, 05:54 PM
so i got the barrel back from the smith....now thats what i call a turn around time....drop it off yesterday and pick it up today....im also thinking this is my new go to guy...he seems to be VERY knowledgeable about precision and is pretty OCD about his work and how things are done.

now the bad news...he wasnt real impressed with the quality of this barrel...one because of the crown...where the crown met the bore there was a bevel...it wasnt sharp like a crown should be and he also said that the bore was not concentric to the barrel...he said as long as the bore is concentric it should be fine so we will see....he doubts that an average shooter would ever notice so i should be good LOL!!
he also agreed with Fred saying that 30" for a 260 is to much barrel and 28" is pushing it...24" to 26" is optimal.

and im in no way bashing CBI and dont want this to turn into that im just reporting what i was told GOOD and/or BAD i wont hold any punches!!

this is the new crown...if you look at the bevel on the edge where it steps down that is what the crown looked like on the barrel before cutting and recrowning...not that big but you could see it plane as day....ill call him tomorrow and get the piece he cut off and post a picture...also the crown he did is all machine work no polishing as he said he will not polish the crown area....

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo-40.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo-40.jpg.html)

07-16-2015, 12:31 AM
A crown with a slight beveled edge will not hinder accuracy if it is done correctly. A crown with a sharp edge will work fine also, but it is more suseptible to damage from cleaning jags. I prefer a slight bevel and have had no issues. I've actually done some testing with various crowns and what most people would call "damaged" crowns, and found that it is not as important as most people emphasize.

07-16-2015, 12:33 AM
Looks good. Looks like a factory target crown. Personally? ..I'm not a big fan of a bevel at the end of the bore/muzzle. that process is so subjective. The 1st thing I checked when I got my factory LRP Model in 260 was in fact the crown. It looks just like your freshly cut barrel. Flat as can be,no bevel.
Now rework your load,keep it simple,shoot it, and have fun Mr. R&D dude......lololololol

07-16-2015, 12:43 AM
A dude over on the hide cut his 308 barrel to length with a hack saw before he took it to the Smith to be cleaned up. Just to see what would happen, he took it out and shot some groups. It still grouped surprisingly well with no crown and a somewhat jagged cut.

07-16-2015, 08:35 AM
A crown with a slight beveled edge will not hinder accuracy if it is done correctly. A crown with a sharp edge will work fine also, but it is more suseptible to damage from cleaning jags. I prefer a slight bevel and have had no issues. I've actually done some testing with various crowns and what most people would call "damaged" crowns, and found that it is not as important as most people emphasize.

i call a guy i shoot matches with last night that shoots a criterion and he said the same thing and also said his crown is the exact same way with the bevel...i also agree about ppl putting to much emphasize on the crown...im pretty hard on them when i clean and have never had an accuracy issue i could shoot well enough to notice.

Looks good. Looks like a factory target crown. Personally? ..I'm not a big fan of a bevel at the end of the bore/muzzle. that process is so subjective. The 1st thing I checked when I got my factory LRP Model in 260 was in fact the crown. It looks just like your freshly cut barrel. Flat as can be,no bevel.
Now rework your load,keep it simple,shoot it, and have fun Mr. R&D dude......lololololol

as soon as it shoots ill get board and change something...ive got 3000 fed match primers coming today so im going to start load development with them and see how they work compared to the CCI BR-2s...im hoping good because they are almost half the price as the BR-2s.

A dude over on the hide cut his 308 barrel to length with a hack saw before he took it to the Smith to be cleaned up. Just to see what would happen, he took it out and shot some groups. It still grouped surprisingly well with no crown and a somewhat jagged cut.

ive the story on AS where they took 28" barrels and cut them off with a chop saw 1" at a time right at the bench and shot groups checking velocity and the groups where pretty impressive for just whacking it off in a chop saw....like i said im pretty hard when cleaning as i scrub my barrels with a bronze brush pushing all the way through and pull back through the barrel...my thought is that its stainless steel which is much harder that the coating on a dewy rod or a bronze brush and any small imperfections cleaning would cause id never notice anyway.

07-16-2015, 08:08 PM
"GOOD GRIEF" its like christmas in july...new crown shorter barrel and new primers ;)

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/LTT-/Mobile%20Uploads/photo-41.jpg (http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/LTT-/media/Mobile%20Uploads/photo-41.jpg.html)

07-16-2015, 11:40 PM
..And a Charlie Brown lunch box to bring your sammiches to the range! Lol
Good luck with the "new" barrel. Nice crown too.

07-17-2015, 01:03 AM
Been using Fed 210M primers for years. You,ll like them. In all honesty, CCI standard large rifle have been just as consistent for me.
3k worth of fed match primers will last you a while.
This getting bored thing once you've achieved your goals and start changing things will defently lead to severe case of "changacytis" which may lead to buy more stuffinitis. GOOD GRIEF!........Lololololo

07-17-2015, 08:21 AM
..And a Charlie Brown lunch box to bring your sammiches to the range! Lol
Good luck with the "new" barrel. Nice crown too.

thats just for snacks...the green one is where the food goes...it takes a lot of fuel to keep this 285lb body going lol.

Been using Fed 210M primers for years. You,ll like them. In all honesty, CCI standard large rifle have been just as consistent for me.
3k worth of fed match primers will last you a while.
This getting bored thing once you've achieved your goals and start changing things will defently lead to severe case of "changacytis" which may lead to buy more stuffinitis. GOOD GRIEF!........Lololololo

ive wanted to try the FEDM primers for a long time but they have been like trying to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow...i to have had great results with the CCI primers both BRs and the 200s but i also keep a 1000 or so of win,rem and fed primers around in both standard and mag because ive found a few loads that shoot very well and with a primer swap they turned into fantastic loads...for instance if your getting vertical spreads and know for a fact your rifle is sound nine times outta 10 a hotter primer will help straighten that out as long as your not at max powder charge...same with a load that shoots great in summer but not so great in winter.

07-17-2015, 12:29 PM
Is your rifle bedded? Sometimes I get oil or whatever, that creaps between theaction and bedding in the front. This can cause funny things to happen as wel.

Just a thought!


07-17-2015, 02:04 PM
Is your rifle bedded? Sometimes I get oil or whatever, that creaps between theaction and bedding in the front. This can cause funny things to happen as wel.

Just a thought!


Yes...pillered and bedded in Devcon 10110.

sorry this got cut short i was in the middle of something....with the 30" barrel being as heavy as it was you would think it would of helped with vertical but it did just the opposite...the vertical spreads increased...i moved my bipod back and it helped...not sure why this is...more velocity/muzzle blast? anyway i moved my bipod back to its normal position and will see what happens tomorrow.