View Full Version : 260 LC Brass

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07-21-2015, 11:12 AM
Noticed his username on Gunbroker... Wonder if that's the same Grumpa that I bought 500 cases of 300BLK from a while back on the blackout forum.

Yes it's the same person......I do more than folks realize. I don't have a site devoted to what I do but I don't want to be so busy I don't have time for anything else.

For $168 delivered of 300 LC 260 BRASS ready to load? To me..that's a hell of a deal.
Where are you going to find LC Brass in 243.
LC brass will without a doubt out last other over priced brass.
FYI. He doesn't turn the necks. He reams the inside of the neck to get them to specs.
When you get the brass you don't need to turn the necks either unless you have a tactical chamber as Dave has mentioned.
I miced about 75 cases and they all miced .294. My stock LRP has a .297 chamber at the neck.
I didn't have to do anything. Just load and shoot.
Even if you do have a tactical chamber, it may be possible that you won't have to turn the necks.
Just have to w a it for long range to give them a go and see what he finds out.
This was my outcome doing nothing to the brass but charge/seat at different depths / and hit pay dirt at .020 from the lands.

I hold the neck diameter towards the high of S.A.A.M.I. specs for a reason. I get a lot of attention from the AR-10 crowd where they need them towards the high. If anyone where to look at the actual specs on the case itself......it has a tolerance.

I run those cases through 3 different dies because of what is known as "Spring Back" and they do go through a small base die. With the other conversions I do just with a 308 case it can be a real challenge at times.

Here's a link to my main page.....Just have a look and notice I do more than most think, and there's some I don't even have a thread on since it's not worth it.

Grumpa (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/forumdisplay.php?117-Grumpa)

07-21-2015, 12:58 PM
Yes it's the same person......I do more than folks realize. I don't have a site devoted to what I do but I don't want to be so busy I don't have time for anything else.

I hold the neck diameter towards the high of S.A.A.M.I. specs for a reason. I get a lot of attention from the AR-10 crowd where they need them towards the high. If anyone where to look at the actual specs on the case itself......it has a tolerance.

I run those cases through 3 different dies because of what is known as "Spring Back" and they do go through a small base die. With the other conversions I do just with a 308 case it can be a real challenge at times.

Here's a link to my main page.....Just have a look and notice I do more than most think, and there's some I don't even have a thread on since it's not worth it.

Grumpa (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/forumdisplay.php?117-Grumpa)

Hah! Awesome. Welcome to Savage Shooters. Glad to have you here.

07-21-2015, 02:07 PM
I just ordered some as well. Eager to get them.

Welcome, Grumpa!

07-21-2015, 10:20 PM
I had a funny feeling you,d prowl around here Matt.
I wanted to give you fair warning that Ive been boasting about you and your work but I figured word of mouth would get around to you sooner or later.
Apparantly it did!..lololo

07-21-2015, 10:43 PM
This is what you'll soon be receiving Mr. FOXX..
Like I said before. Matt does excellent work.
http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x88/eddies880/20150721_203323_zpsnzuimcus.jpg (http://s182.photobucket.com/user/eddies880/media/20150721_203323_zpsnzuimcus.jpg.html)

07-21-2015, 10:47 PM
http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x88/eddies880/20150721_205259_zpsat0e4yao.jpg (http://s182.photobucket.com/user/eddies880/media/20150721_205259_zpsat0e4yao.jpg.html)

07-21-2015, 10:55 PM
Yes it's the same person......I do more than folks realize. I don't have a site devoted to what I do but I don't want to be so busy I don't have time for anything else.

I hold the neck diameter towards the high of S.A.A.M.I. specs for a reason. I get a lot of attention from the AR-10 crowd where they need them towards the high. If anyone where to look at the actual specs on the case itself......it has a tolerance.

I run those cases through 3 different dies because of what is known as "Spring Back" and they do go through a small base die. With the other conversions I do just with a 308 case it can be a real challenge at times.

Here's a link to my main page.....Just have a look and notice I do more than most think, and there's some I don't even have a thread on since it's not worth it.

Grumpa (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/forumdisplay.php?117-Grumpa)
Good choice on the small base die. When I miced the cases I figured you used a SB die.
Without a dought.....its a lot of work sizing down 308 LC brass down to 260. I tried it and found out...its time consuming. Id rather pay for a good product and an excellent product it is.
Just cant go wrong with LC brass.
Ive said this 2-3 times before but here it goes again....sure wish Id of found you earlier.
the reason I posted your brass was to try to save other shooters some money

07-22-2015, 05:52 AM
Good choice on the small base die. When I miced the cases I figured you used a SB die.
Without a dought.....its a lot of work sizing down 308 LC brass down to 260. I tried it and found out...its time consuming. Id rather pay for a good product and an excellent product it is.
Just cant go wrong with LC brass.
Ive said this 2-3 times before but here it goes again....sure wish Id of found you earlier.
the reason I posted your brass was to try to save other shooters some money

Well......thanks for the atta-boys. What got me into conversions was a couple of things, the experience mostly, and the over-priced garbage. I got sooooo tired of seeing a piece of brass going for $1 when there's cheaper alternatives out there. I've worked in aerospace as a precision grinder for 27yrs working with .0002 all day long. I have more inspection equipment than a lot of inspection dept's. I'm also certified in what is called I.S.O. and S.P.C. which teaches a person to keep things consistent as close as possible.

I deal with commercial reloaders a lot, they've never seen a bad case come from me yet, and they've gotten many thousands over the years. By far the most time consuming conversion I do is the 35Rem from 308. I have a link posted as you well know, if you click that and then the 35Rem thread I have yet another link that takes you to a thread with pictures on how I do those, very involved.

The thing that is almost beaten into a person working in aerospace is there's no such things as "Good Enough". It's either in spec or it isn't and since you as the operator are in control......there's no excuses good enough for bad parts.

Whenever folks do anything like this, you always have to look for the problems. There always is......no 2 ways about it.....and you have to find it. I work with indicators, with those I can find the variables pretty easy. Just because I do the 260 from 308 there's a chink in the armor right from the start. It's what year the brass is, if you work with older brass it wont work, the neck diameter is too small. If you work with newer brass, the brass is thicker at the neck. I can go on and on about what to look for but I wont....Matt

07-22-2015, 07:55 AM
Matt what is the average internal(h2o filled to the top of the neck)case capacity of the 260 brass?

07-22-2015, 09:40 AM
Matt what is the average internal(h2o filled to the top of the neck)case capacity of the 260 brass?


I'll post in this post a little later in the day. I need to set up my scale for that.

07-22-2015, 09:53 AM
Stock.....clean out some of your PM's I can't send you any messages till you do.

Stockrex has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

07-22-2015, 09:54 AM

I'll post in this post a little later in the day. I need to set up my scale for that.

LOL....thanks and if close to the same as lapua ill put the LC brass to the test ;)

07-22-2015, 10:48 AM
Yes it's the same person......I do more than folks realize. I don't have a site devoted to what I do but I don't want to be so busy I don't have time for anything else.

I hold the neck diameter towards the high of S.A.A.M.I. specs for a reason. I get a lot of attention from the AR-10 crowd where they need them towards the high. If anyone where to look at the actual specs on the case itself......it has a tolerance.

I run those cases through 3 different dies because of what is known as "Spring Back" and they do go through a small base die. With the other conversions I do just with a 308 case it can be a real challenge at times.

Here's a link to my main page.....Just have a look and notice I do more than most think, and there's some I don't even have a thread on since it's not worth it.

Grumpa (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/forumdisplay.php?117-Grumpa)

Matt.......whats dies do you use.

07-22-2015, 12:07 PM
Matt.......whats dies do you use.

When folks ask me questions...they really need to be extremely specific. In this case I'll take it your talking about 260Rem.

I use predominately RCBS dies, but there is a catch. I have never received ANY RCBS dies I didn't need to alter. When it comes to case forming the companies don't seem to have that in mind when the dies are massed produced, it's all about the bottom line. They make special die sets just for case forming but you pay for those, and pay you will. I do things to the dies to make them work for me, most of the time it's removing material from the base of the sizing die. Sometimes I put in a bigger radius where the neck and shoulder conjoin.

Some of the other conversions require more then a single make, meaning.....1 die might be a RCBS and the other a Lyman die, it all depends.

Hope that helps....

07-22-2015, 01:35 PM
When folks ask me questions...they really need to be extremely specific. In this case I'll take it your talking about 260Rem.

I use predominately RCBS dies, but there is a catch. I have never received ANY RCBS dies I didn't need to alter. When it comes to case forming the companies don't seem to have that in mind when the dies are massed produced, it's all about the bottom line. They make special die sets just for case forming but you pay for those, and pay you will. I do things to the dies to make them work for me, most of the time it's removing material from the base of the sizing die. Sometimes I put in a bigger radius where the neck and shoulder conjoin.

Some of the other conversions require more then a single make, meaning.....1 die might be a RCBS and the other a Lyman die, it all depends.

Hope that helps....

sure does Matt. thanks

reason I asked is because once I find a formula that gives me consistant accuracy, I.ll do my best to make things as equal as possible.
once I found my accuracy node using your brass just as is, then I,d prefer using the same formula, meaning Ill more than likely small base die your brass after firing as opposed to collet. In some cases I prefer small base fl sizing as opposed to collet because Im eventually going to have to resize the coolet sized and start the process all over again.
again...thanks for the response.
keep up the good work.

07-22-2015, 03:34 PM
Figure since we're on page 3 I might as will just post the weights here. First number is empty weight and of course the heavier is with water.

5 Test pieces....

1) 180.5/232.7 1) 52.2
2) 181.6/233.5 2) 51.9
3) 180.8/232.1 3) 51.3
4) 179.9/232.6 4) 52.7
5) 181.1/233.5 5) 52.4

Total: 260.5 divided by 5 for an average = 52.1

07-22-2015, 04:33 PM
Because I don't have a lot of experience with measuring case capacity, what is considered an optimal or realistically obtainable "spread"?

07-22-2015, 05:54 PM
Figure since we're on page 3 I might as will just post the weights here. First number is empty weight and of course the heavier is with water.

5 Test pieces....

1) 180.5/232.7 1) 52.2
2) 181.6/233.5 2) 51.9
3) 180.8/232.1 3) 51.3
4) 179.9/232.6 4) 52.7
5) 181.1/233.5 5) 52.4

Total: 260.5 divided by 5 for an average = 52.1

thats close enough...after i prep them and cull out the funny ones they will work...a fired piece of lapua is about 53g so im sure your brass will be close after fire forming and prep....ill be in touch next week....i got my house payment this week...thanks Matt.

Because I don't have a lot of experience with measuring case capacity, what is considered an optimal or realistically obtainable "spread"?

for internal capacity you want them as close as you can get...i dont think the bench rest guys go more than about .2g...im ok with .5g for the type of shooting i do but try to stay around .3g...anything past .5g you will see at longer distances.

07-22-2015, 07:07 PM
water would form a film and the surface tension will allow the water on the tip of the brass to form a convex surface, so my question is how much do ya put in the brass to measure, just even with the top of the brass?

07-22-2015, 07:56 PM
water would form a film and the surface tension will allow the water on the tip of the brass to form a convex surface, so my question is how much do ya put in the brass to measure, just even with the top of the brass?

I fill my cases with a 5cc syringe with a 1" 20g needle....i fill the case until there is hump of water over the top of the neck and then draw up water until its slightly concaved ....one thing to watch for when weighing with water is that you dont get air pockets from filling to fast....also i think ive read some where to use distilled water,i dont.