View Full Version : .308 or 6.5 creedmoor

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09-29-2015, 10:27 AM
Based on your distance for shooting, I'd go 308, My 260 doesn't shoot good groups until I get to 200 yds or better. and the point Kadams1563 makes is also very valid. I shoot my 223 all the way out to 800 yds but it is more accurate than anything else I own from 100 to 200 yds. Also very little tuning required.

09-29-2015, 12:38 PM
.308 is only worse past 700 yards because to get a heavy enough bullet to match the B.C. charateristics of a 6.5, its hard to get them to go fast enough. I gaurantee a 300 win mag with a heavy bullet will do better then 6.5 out past 1000. Not saying 6.5 isn't very accurate because it is, but I think the .30s are getting knocked because 6.5 is all the rage.

09-29-2015, 01:57 PM
6.5s are all the rage because they out perform the little 30s. More efficient ballisticly superior with less recoil.
Nothing wrong with the 308 but it can't match the more efficient rounds and at long rang ballistics matter.

09-29-2015, 05:00 PM
6.5s are all the rage because they out perform the little 30s. More efficient ballisticly superior with less recoil.
Nothing wrong with the 308 but it can't match the more efficient rounds and at long rang ballistics matter.

That's why I was saying that it's less to do with caliber and more to do with velocity and bc. A large 30 like a 208 or even bigger will out perform a 6.5 . The reality factors, however, make such a round kick hard and eat money. I would take a 300 win mag over a 6.5 any day, but I'm also more of what you might call a practical shooter. Don't get me wrong, I love long range paper or steel, but when a coyote is at the end if the barrel and he might be a1000 yards out, I'm choosing the larger caliber. 6.5 has the capability, but is less so. Now I'm getting off topic though. The OP, if between 6.5 creed and .308 win, should choose the 6.5 for many reasons. I'm just trying to bring to attention that the 6.5 bullet itself is not superior, but it's a heck if a lot easier on the shoulder to have the same ballistics out to around 1000 yds and maybe a bit more. After that, the bigger .30s mass will put it ahead assuming the start at the same velocity with the same BC

09-29-2015, 05:01 PM

09-29-2015, 05:25 PM
I'm just trying to bring to attention that the 6.5 bullet itself is not superior,

this makes no since to me can you explain please?

09-29-2015, 06:32 PM
After that, the bigger .30s mass will put it ahead assuming the start at the same velocity with the same BC

Yes the 30 cal is champion. It takes a 210 plus 30 cal projectile to equal or exceed a 140 grain 6.5 projectile BC. This come at the expense of powder and recoil. With all its glory the 30 cal gives up a few things. I wonder why you don't see too many 300 ultra mags in F class?

09-29-2015, 06:38 PM
I find this thread funny and amusing at this point.

09-29-2015, 06:41 PM
If all the high end competitive shooters only knew the advantage of the 30cal they would all put down their 6's and 6.5's. Oh wait that already happened..... Only opposite!

09-29-2015, 07:00 PM
Oh wait that already happened.

For sure.

09-29-2015, 07:59 PM
Yes the 30 cal is champion. It takes a 210 plus 30 cal projectile to equal or exceed a 140 grain 6.5 projectile BC. This come at the expense of powder and recoil. With all its glory the 30 cal gives up a few things. I wonder why you don't see too many 300 ultra mags in F class?

A 142g smk at 2400fps has a higher BC than a 200g smk at 2600fps...i shot a 300wm for a long time then built a 6.5 and after shooting the 6.5 re-barreled my 300 to a 6.5...

I find this thread funny and amusing at this point.

It has been to me for a few pages.

09-29-2015, 09:19 PM
"It has been to me for a few pages."
Same hear.......... but what the hey. Cheap Amusement.

09-29-2015, 09:20 PM
P.S. If you take recoil and expense out of the equation, 338 is king.

09-29-2015, 10:05 PM

This is why i went 300wm then to the 260rem.

09-30-2015, 08:18 AM
Hehe, look what I started. You all seem to be agreeing though. If you disregard recoil and cost (and I stated that in my 2nd post I'm pretty sure), larger bullets with an equivalent B.C. (meaning much heavier) will out do 6.5 mm bullet as long as it's being pushed the same speed. I was not saying it's more PRACTICAL, but it is better if you are superman with super shoulders to handle the recoil and deep pockets to handle the cost.

09-30-2015, 08:26 AM
Just to play devil's advocate you can always neck down to a 6.5-300WM and the 6.5 wins again.

To the OP while the 308 is capable of what you want to do the 6.5 will do it better. When people talk about barrel life 99% are talking about competitive accuracy. There's no reason for the regular guy the 6.5 Creedmoor won't get 3,000 to 4,000rds of 1MOA or less life span. My buddy still holds sub half MOA at 2700rds. Shoot a quality barrel with quality ammo.

Just pick a direction and go for it! As long as your shooting and learning you're doing it right.

09-30-2015, 08:29 AM
this makes no since to me can you explain please?

I'm saying if you put two SMK rounds, one 6.5 and one 30 cal, you have them at the same B.C, which means a heavy 30, push them at the same speed, then 30 is gonna win. Now again, it's gonna kill your shoulder and your rifle is gonna be beefier (or mine would any way to help with recoil) so I'm not sure on classes but don't they have rifle weight limits?

It's just way more practical to use a 6.5 and get the same accuracy. I don't know of too many military systems based off a 6.5. Main ones that I know of right now are 7.62s, 338, 50s and then of course somebody always sticks a long barrel on a ARand uses 5.56. 6.5 do exist though and I'm pretty sure lapua designed that 6.5x47 specifically for competition, but they pushed it towards military application and it didn't take off. Then again, it's not always only because of the cartridge itself that it's not accepted. It just means one more round they have to produce and research

09-30-2015, 08:30 AM
Just to play devil's advocate you can always neck down to a 6.5-300WM and the 6.5 wins again.

To the OP while the 308 is capable of what you want to do the 6.5 will do it better. When people talk about barrel life 99% are talking about competitive accuracy. There's no reason for the regular guy the 6.5 Creedmoor won't get 3,000 to 4,000rds of 1MOA or less life span. My buddy still holds sub half MOA at 2700rds. Shoot a quality barrel with quality ammo.

Just pick a direction and go for it! As long as your shooting and learning you're doing it right.

+1. Sorry for getting your thread off topic :).

Lone wolf, your defeating the point, your not keeping your velocities constant between the two. Don't you practice proper chemisty procedure?? One variable at a time!! Lol

09-30-2015, 11:47 AM
I'm saying if you put two SMK rounds, one 6.5 and one 30 cal, you have them at the same B.C, which means a heavy 30, push them at the same speed, then 30 is gonna win. Now again, it's gonna kill your shoulder and your rifle is gonna be beefier (or mine would any way to help with recoil) so I'm not sure on classes but don't they have rifle weight limits?

It's just way more practical to use a 6.5 and get the same accuracy. I don't know of too many military systems based off a 6.5. Main ones that I know of right now are 7.62s, 338, 50s and then of course somebody always sticks a long barrel on a ARand uses 5.56. 6.5 do exist though and I'm pretty sure lapua designed that 6.5x47 specifically for competition, but they pushed it towards military application and it didn't take off. Then again, it's not always only because of the cartridge itself that it's not accepted. It just means one more round they have to produce and research

gotcha...do you have a lot of first hand or hands on experience with the 300wm? just wondering and not trying to be a smart a$$ by saying this but i shot 3650 rounds through 3 barrels over 2yrs through a 300wm out to 1845yds so i know a little about the 300...the problem is your not comparing apples to apples any more by bring the big 30s into this thread...the OP asked about a 308 and a 6.5 so now im asking you for your honest opinion...of the two he asked about what cartridge is ballisticlly superior?

09-30-2015, 11:55 AM
Lone wolf, your defeating the point, your not keeping your velocities constant between the two. Don't you practice proper chemisty procedure?? One variable at a time!! Lol

You changed the first variable in the Case capacity. I just brought it back in line!