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09-30-2015, 01:13 PM
True, but the argument was over ballistic performance between diameters of the bullet with all else being held equal such as b.c. and velocity. Thing is that it really comes down to weight to make 30 cal with the same BC as the 6.5. I argue my point passionately because I've been told by people that eat sleep and breathe 6.5 that a 6.5 caliber will beat a 30 cal at long range if they are going the same velocity and have the same BC. It's physically not realistic to assume that and those people usually are the kind that get really crazy about a certain trend and then eventually move to something else. At one time, 7mm and 30s were all the rage.

Now to your question about the OPs original question, ive agreed to this several times, and it would be 6.5 hands down. I mentioned the 6.5 vs 30 thing because I was still on a roll about another guy I talked with in person that did as I described above.

09-30-2015, 01:28 PM
I'm pretty sure lapua designed that 6.5x47 specifically for competition, but they pushed it towards military application and it didn't take off.

Probably because if a hunting oriented 6.5 projectile has great terminal effect, it may expand to .30 and do as much damage as M80 (but not M80A1, obviously). Combine that with the obsession of the US military and 30 cal, and you can rub performance in their face and they'll ignore it.

They also might have compared 175 SMK barrier performance or something that might make sense. But they're government, so probably not.

09-30-2015, 02:20 PM
Probably because if a hunting oriented 6.5 projectile has great terminal effect, it may expand to .30 and do as much damage as M80 (but not M80A1, obviously). Combine that with the obsession of the US military and 30 cal, and you can rub performance in their face and they'll ignore it.

They also might have compared 175 SMK barrier performance or something that might make sense. But they're government, so probably not.

My thoughts as well

09-30-2015, 06:35 PM
Wasn't JFK shot with a 6.5??

09-30-2015, 06:40 PM
The title for this thread should have been: I have a .223 rifle and I'm looking to get my next rifle for shooting longer distance. Target shooting from 500 to 1000 yards, cost and ability of factory loads will be a factor seeing as u do not hand load. If you were stepping up from a .223 to your next rifle what would your choice of caliber be????

09-30-2015, 09:14 PM
6mm or 6.5mm

FW Conch
09-30-2015, 09:20 PM
A 6.5 bullet was said to have been found on the gurney that John Connley was on in the hospital. That bullet was forensically connected to the 6.5mm Carcano rifle that was owned by Lee Harvy Oswald. It was named the "Majic Bullet" because of all the things it had to do to produce all the wounds on JFK and Texas Govenor Connley. Although a bit misshaped, it was intact. I believe it was from Full Metal Jacket Military Ammo? Which means it is supposed to stay intact.

That bullet was not fatal to anyone.

Supposedly JFK was shot from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, directly behind from a distance of 80 yards. The fatal shot that killed JFK lifted him up and to the left into the lap of Jackie Kennedy. The bullet appeared to explode like a Varmit Granade, as did the top of the Presidents head. All this can clearly be seen on the Abraham Zapruder film.

This leads me to question why the bullet that was found stayed intact and the fatal one appeared to explode and come from the right front? The chain of evidence on the "Majic Bullet" was not unbroken and would not have withstood "Law & Order" scrutiny at a trial.:-)

Was JFK shot with a 6.5 Bullet? I don't think there is simple answer to that question? :-)

Sorry to contribute to wandering off the subject of this thread :-( ... Jim

10-01-2015, 09:30 PM
My own impression is that the question posed by the OP has been answered and that the poster has a significant set of information available to use to inform his decision.

Carrying on with the off-track discussion:

The folks making the claim that the 6.5mm FMJ did not cause the head injury have likely not shot many gallon water jugs with FMJ bullets.

If that bullet starts to tumble right after entry, an awful lot of energy gets transferred.

Another scene many of us have seen is of the Viet Cong prisoner executed by a Vietnamese General the morning after the General's family was murdered by the Viet Cong. While the TV news channels did not show a closeup of body afterword, the dynamic coverage suggests that the damage was in much the same class as JFK's head injury. The shot by the General was with, I understand, a snub-nose .357 which has far less velocity and energy than the Carcano.

So yes, the damage from the FMJ is plausible.

10-01-2015, 10:15 PM
I just went buy two sporting good stores on my way home fromwork. Both had 6.5 creedmoor brass. The price is a lot better than the 300 win mag brass I usually buy. They both had a huge selection of 6.5 bullets too. I vote for the 6.5. Mainly because I am building one right now.

10-01-2015, 10:44 PM
6.5. Just built my brother a Creedmoor and it is a tack driver. 140 grain 6.5 will run circles around a 175-185 grain 308. The ballistics don't lie. Better in the wind, less recoil. My 308 barrel is going to get way more safe time.

10-02-2015, 07:09 AM
The ballistics don't lie. Better in the wind, less recoil.

There ya go. What can be said in few words is done in vain with more.

10-02-2015, 07:44 AM

500 meters, gusty winds from the right 10-15, gusting to 25, Winchester 6.5 Creedmoor 140 grain match. The 308 was a challenge to hit the target that day let alone lay down a group like that. I shot a pig at just over 600 yards with it yesterday with a Berger vld hunter it was drt. The 140 grain 6.5mm bullet has 120 ft lb more energy at 600 than the 185 grain 308 bullet.