View Full Version : How To Make 308 Brass From 30-06

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07-26-2016, 12:18 AM
not sure many newbies are looking to take 30-06 brass and shoot it out of their .308 there big guy. Pretty sure anybody who is just starting to reload will be told to read their books, take their measurements, start low and work up. Every time. You on the other hand have made it a personal vendetta to get heard.

"Look at me look at me. Im right you're wrong"

Again, big guy, you want to give tips to people who have never reloaded before, you may be able to shine some light. Talking like gods light shines on your ass and you are the only one who as ever turned a neck or annealed a case is ludicrous.

As far as taking one mans experiment and turning it into "I know more than you do, nanny nanny boo boo" is borderline childish. We get it. There was some missing information. One time would have been enough.

On the other hand, it could have just been inferred that anyone going to the extent of "wildcatting" (which is what we are truly talking about, taking one piece of brass, turning it into something different and producing repeatable results) would be learned enough to measure necks, gauge the case and work up a safe load.

So have fun picking fights, big guy.

07-26-2016, 01:14 AM
scope eye's responses after my first posting, is this a excuse for giving details.

I guess you would have to tell that to they 10 or 12 Palma and M1a shooters, at the range that I am a member at cause that is all they shoot, they even buy new 30-06 brass to convert so they must know something.


after my second post and again no details or information on case measurements.

It is not just my Buddies at the range, this has been going on for quite some time by a lot of shooters.


So tell me what is "really edgy stuff" about taking a photo of forming a 30-06 to 308 and not posting detailed information on his process or answering questions about the subject.

Neck tension is really tight, but nothing pistol powder wont fix, hey all I am saying is I have done it others I know have done it, I have experienced and witnessed it. Just like anything else on the web reader beware, This is a perfectly good example of why I don't post as much on this forum anymore. Ask anyone I have done and posted some really edgy stuff on this forum over the years as far as loading, velocity, wildcats, ect and which others have tried and we are all still here to talk about it.


I'm not picking on scope eye, I was informing scope eye and the other forum members reading this that his post here lacked any details and neck measurements.

Hell I have done the same thing years ago and without measurements and details the post didn't show anyone anything about the correct process.

So how many posters does it take to get the point across about scope eye's posting.

No one said Dean didn't know what he was doing even if Ed did question as to having the correct tools to do the job correctly. The way i read it was Dean didn't go into enough detail about the process incase a newbie read it and decided to make 308 brass that way. It really is not just size and cut and good to go with every brand of brass. Some brands you can do that with some chambers but without annealing the new neck will split in just a few loads and neck tension will not have any consistency. Dean will be the first to tell you that he pushes the envelope on some stuff and then the humorous comment about cutting a pressure relief grove in the side of the case. Yes i know that was a joke but we all tend to forget there are people out there that just don't know any better. It has to be true because it was on the internet.

I missed the point, why would you make 308 out of 30-06 as 308 is more common than 30-06.

And what does photos of his chronograph have to do with case forming.

Or scope eyes smart a$$ replies to questions below.

Everyday when I wake up I try and think of new ways I can kill, Maim, or injurer as many forum members as I can. Well I failed this time but tomorrow is another day, I am sure I will come up with something God willing, In the mean time everyone take care or take cover.


As soon as scope eye said his postings were "some really edgy stuff" and took offense about measuring neck thickness and annealing. I knew he didn't want to discuss case forming and this subject because he thinks he is the only one who knows how to reload. And that is the real problem here and the fact no one learned anything from his post because it contained "NO" detailed information.

Case forming the 30-06 to 308 requires a annealed cartridge that has the proper neck clearance. And if it doesn't you can cause excessive pressure and even a kaboom.


And if scope eye doesn't want to talk about the subject what is the point in having a forum where reloading can be discussed. And scope eye's responses to my questions were insulting and condescending.

FW Conch
07-26-2016, 07:46 AM
I say, if someone feels detail is missing from a post, they are quite free to add that detail, or start a new thread.

With the kind of ambition displayed here, such concern could be well served by creating a FAQ or a Sticky. When a "nub"wants to know about barrel removal, or headspace, for the umteenth time , we could just say " it's in the FAQ's", and we wouldn't have to rehash it for the umpteenth time. Same holds true for case forming.

I would do it, but I've only been reloading for 46 years :-((

07-26-2016, 11:10 AM
There's some good info here, and some bad. Unfortunately it's turned into a pissing match and has been reported. Thread closed.

07-26-2016, 11:47 PM
I wondered how long Ed would last before his ego took over. On a side note, I think this just set a new record for most infractions issued in a single thread.