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08-22-2016, 07:02 PM
So I was just doing a little dry fire off a step ladder. There is no ninja way to decrease the wobble factor? Seemed the more I tried to control it the worse it got.

Do you use a front bag? if so which one? barricade stop? Sling? skid wrap? etc. etc.

I have determined that my tab gear "brick" bag is no good in front. It could be used as tall bag in back but I like my little light flat bag.

08-22-2016, 08:24 PM
Here is something that will show you what you are doing at the trigger pull. It won't correct it but it sure will identify it.

You need a buddy. Turn your back and let him load the gun. Fire. Now have him put a round in the chamber or not. You fire like it is loaded either way. Do this for about ten rounds with a few empty chambers thrown in.

Personally unless I have a really light gun or heavy recoiler I like to shoot free recoil. Keep the shoulder thing out of it.

08-22-2016, 08:46 PM
No secrets just practice and IMO it will make you a better shooter if you can shoot off a wobble barricade...I've been practicing off a ladder and have gotten better...my first short range tactical match I shot a 19 outta 40...this last Saturday I shot a 23 in the same match so I'm showing improvement with my positional shooting.

I have bags and two different slings...slings help me the most but they are a PITA to get set up and tight in and use up a lotta time so then I find myself rushing so I've stopped practicing with all of my gear.

One thing I do use almost always is my creed moor sport shooting glove...it eliminates the need for a rear bag for me.

I can tell you this....if you haven't shot a match on a clock don't expect to do well your first match or two because that clock is going to kick your a$$ lol.

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08-27-2016, 02:22 PM
On the Long Range Hunting site there is a topic being discussed entitled (straight back, behind the rifle).
Whats the opinion of it as to how it applies to tactical type prone shooting?

08-27-2016, 05:40 PM
Ok so we went back out today to practice off a ladder. We only had time to run 3 strings each. Rain etc. got in the way. Going back tomorrow. Anyhow, Here is a video of each of us standing using sling and front bag. . I have the video's loaded on youtube so Ill put the links up. We werent necessarily shooting on a timer, but each time I got up I ended up having to kind of hurry. The guy was out bailing hay and every time I got up he was passing by so I had to get my shots in.

The first target was 10" shoot n c. The second two were 6". We were only at 120 yrds. Couldnt shoot at steel today, combine took out my target frame! Oh well.

Here is T standing. I thought she did extremely well. This was her first live fire off any type of barricade. She had dry fired a time or two.


Then me. Ill admit I picked the best video of three. Not so much that the other two were technically worse as much as I said some things I couldnt edit out. lol


T's first attempt. The 10" target. I didnt save mine. Lets just say it wasnt as good. We fired 5 rounds.


08-27-2016, 06:04 PM
On the Long Range Hunting site there is a topic being discussed entitled (straight back, behind the rifle).
Whats the opinion of it as to how it applies to tactical type prone shooting?

I shoot where I'm comfortable which is not straight behind the rifle...I've also heard and seen flat on your stomach and feet spread wide...I don't shoot like that either.

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08-27-2016, 06:10 PM
Ok so we went back out today to practice off a ladder. We only had time to run 3 strings each. Rain etc. got in the way. Going back tomorrow. Anyhow, Here is a video of each of us standing using sling and front bag. . I have the video's loaded on youtube so Ill put the links up. We werent necessarily shooting on a timer, but each time I got up I ended up having to kind of hurry. The guy was out bailing hay and every time I got up he was passing by so I had to get my shots in.

The first target was 10" shoot n c. The second two were 6". We were only at 120 yrds. Couldnt shoot at steel today, combine took out my target frame! Oh well.

Here is T standing. I thought she did extremely well. This was her first live fire off any type of barricade. She had dry fired a time or two.


Then me. Ill admit I picked the best video of three. Not so much that the other two were technically worse as much as I said some things I couldnt edit out. lol


T's first attempt. The 10" target. I didnt save mine. Lets just say it wasnt as good. We fired 5 rounds.


That's some good shooting from T....she don't get excited and takes her time she will do well as long as she keeps her cool in a match when the clock starts.

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08-27-2016, 08:00 PM
Now you see why I have to work hard to win.

08-27-2016, 08:15 PM
Lol...you need to take your Ritalin before you shoot.

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08-28-2016, 03:40 PM
I dont have a problem with admitting I lost. I just dont like losing. But shooting against T that is always a probability.

Today was one of those days. We practiced kneeling with the ladder using a pack and pillow for rear support. Standing with sling and without. Then put it all under a time limit.

Distance a mere 200 yrds at 12 inch steel. Frame repaired. Time 90 seconds. As soon as she said go my brain turned to mush, I brushed the trigger making a final adjustment and basically had a ND. Hard to say but things didnt improve a whole lot after that. I had 4 hits with 10 rounds changing from kneeling to standing shooting 5 and 5 at each position. When I fired my last shot I had 20 seconds left on the clock.

T ran out of time with 2 rounds left in her clip but only had 2 misses.

I need to slow down and make better use of my time for sure. Had this been an actual event we both probably would have been DQ'd. lol

That is what practice is all about.

Is it a DQ if you push your bolt forward before getting into position? I thought it usually is. That was really the only correction T needed. She finished saying "hey Im actually pretty good at this!". Yep

08-28-2016, 06:37 PM
I told you that clock is a MFer!!!! Now add about 5 times more pressure and that's being on the clock in a match lol!

Yep your bolt has to be back when transitioning from position to position...you get one warning at our match then DQd on that stage...a ND and your gone no warnings.

And yes you need to learn to manage time better and an easy way to practice that is to sit with a timer when relaxing and familiarize your self with the time(just keep running the timer over and over)then start timing yourself dry firing.

I've trained myself to not worry about the time...I don't care if I time out anymore I'm more concerned about making solid hits.

We had a stage yesterday that was two 4"x6" targets hanging on 24" conveyor belt at 330yds...the stand looks like a T with targets hanging on either side of the center post...when you hit one the entire thing is flopping all over...you had 60secs to shoot 8 rounds...but had to make a mag change so 4 rounds change mags then 4 more...several guys scored 3s and 4s because they didn't let the target settle down but they got all 8 rounds off...I only got 6 rounds off and timed out...but had 6 hits...6 slow hits are better than 6 fast misses.

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08-28-2016, 10:09 PM
Hmmmm. since every match is a little different on the rules. That would make me the RO. And I can say she was DQ'd before she ever fired a shot under time. There for I win!

But seriously good points. Will put them into practice right away. We will start working with a timer and dry fire a little each day. We have about 21 days till match so every bit helps.

08-29-2016, 05:35 PM
This was one of the positions we worked on. This was a practice string before we went on timer. But still we count every miss the entire afternoon.


08-29-2016, 08:00 PM
You guys need to turn your scopes down...if your searching for or losing sight of known targets at know distances the power is set to high.

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08-29-2016, 08:44 PM
Real good point!

09-03-2016, 06:40 PM
I WON today!! Did some real fun stuff. Shot off the ladder top and bottom with mag change. Prone transitioning to stack of milk crates. Weak side, strong side stuff. Did real well every where except standing at the ladder. T killed me on that position. But when all the smoke cleared, lol, I had the round count.

I am putting a plug in here for my video tutorial I am working on for camo rifle painting. I am uploading some of the video right now and will be posting it somewhere here probably the picture thread.

09-03-2016, 06:46 PM
congrats!! remember what you did today and apply it every time now...i think confidence in yourself and your gear is a huge factor in all of this.

09-06-2016, 07:35 AM
Here's a drill for you. Have someone stuff random dummy rounds in your mag and record yourself. Watch the bad habits appear!



"The strength of the wolf is the pack, but the strength pack is the wolf"

Proudly sponsored by Apache Gun Works

09-06-2016, 08:46 AM
I like that. Certainly will try it. Did well again yesterday. 3 out of 5 standing barricade. That's up from 1.

09-06-2016, 09:29 AM
Another note. I went back watching the video of you shooting off the bench. Get behind the rifle with your shoulders square to the target. Directly behind the bench. This is the same position you should be in prone position. I the video above on the drill, you can see based on recoil what a square position does for recoil control.

Also the speed drill recoil control is a huge factor for quick follow up shots! I was shooting out to 400yds on the speed drill.

"The strength of the wolf is the pack, but the strength pack is the wolf"

Proudly sponsored by Apache Gun Works