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08-11-2010, 01:46 PM
I'll play...

For all of you guys who have worked in the service industry related to firearms...

I worked at a notable sporting goods store just outside of detroit for several years. One day a couple of gang-banger types walk in and ask for "bullets for my 9" I asked if they had a 9mm pistol, they said yes. I asked them if they wanted bullets or loaded ammunition, to which they replied, "yeah bullets". ::)

Well, I got them a couple of boxes of 100 hornady BULLETS, and they wondered why the box was so small for "100 bullets". Needless to say they walked out with the bullets. i just wonder how much fun they had trying to load them into the magazine and trying to get them to fire. :D

08-11-2010, 02:25 PM
Stupid Is, As Stupid Does....

08-13-2010, 03:21 AM
I love this thread!!!! More! More!

This one shop I hang out in around here is run by a very old, seriously cranky man. I love to sit and wait for the questions that trigger his ire.

It's like "go ahead, ask for a "clip"...I dare ya"

There's another guy that hangs out there and "helps" the customers, mostly by telling them they are idiots and that they have no business owning a firearm. Dude sells a large number of guns to idiots.

08-13-2010, 06:10 PM
I love this thread!!!! More! More!

Ya might want start a new thread in the "Off Topic" section. I'm sure between myself and others we can fill a few pages. After 40+ years I could probably fill a page or two myself. Name it something like "Time wounds all heels" ;D

I'll post a real tear jerker, the story of "Stringbean", a 300RUM, a screwdriver,paper towels and Butch's!

Keep a towel handy! ;D


07-21-2011, 11:47 AM
This has nothing to do with guns, but it does have to do with stupidity. I was at a tire shop, and the guy wondered if they had white letter tires cause he didn't like the blue letters. This one was my fault, I sent a buddy of mine to the part store for spark plugs for a blue station wagon. :D

07-22-2011, 02:57 AM
When I was working at Academy Sports and outdoors a few years ago, I had a customer walk in. She just purchased a Smith and Wesson 38spl revolver. She then asked, "What is the best way to clean this thing? Can I put it in the dishwasher?"

07-22-2011, 08:03 PM
Watch a guy curse and throw a fit because he couldn't load his rifle. Seems he walked in the pawn shop and said "I am looking for a 7mm rifle." Out he walked with a 7mm Mauser. It took a half hour to get him to understand that 7mm Rem Mag is not the same size. "But they are both 7mm, it has to fit."

I currently work part time at a local gunshop and a fellow walked in one night looking for a scope to go on his .308 Win. I ask what rifle is it figuring I can use the rifle value to get a ballpark figure he wants to spend on a scope. He said it was a HS so I started showing him some Vx-3' and similar. Told me they were too expensive and didn't want to spend more than $150 total for a base, rings and scope for it.

Then there is the nightly question.

" 'I have a revolver, will these .38 specials fit?' 'Not sure, what model revolver do you have?' 'UH, it is a silver one.' "

even worse is the people in some of the gun shops (not all). My brother asked for 7mm ammo, ended up leaving the store with 7mm-08 ammo... It would have fit the chamber easy no ??

08-13-2011, 01:03 AM
While we laugh, I see one of these daily at the shop. You have no idea how many different 7mm I have sat on the counter because when asked which 7mm he had, the customer answered "just a normal 7mm".

Don't even get me started on how confused people get when you show them a rifle from one manufacturer chambered for a round labeled by another manufacturer. example, a Savage model 10 chamber in .308 Winchester, or 7mm Rem Mag. I quite often get the question "My rifle is a Remington 700 in 30-06. Can I use .30-06 Springfield rounds in it?"

Like I said, I see this stupidity daily!

08-13-2011, 02:57 AM
While hanging out at a gunsmith's house the other day and plinking some targets with him, some customers walked up and started checking out my custom build and his steyr 308. The 'customers' looked closely and asked if there was something wrong with the bolt on my rifle. The gunsmith, without missing a beat, said, "those idiots at Savage put the bolt on the wrong side of the rifle." He continued, "and this guy went and sent it to another gunsmith to have work done on the action to make the bolt lift easier, and he still didn't put the bolt on the right side" The customers walked away believing every word my gunsmith friend said.

You couldn't pay for entertainment that good. ;D ;D :D

10-29-2011, 02:57 PM
I know this is old but thanks for the giggles

I think the ones that really get me are the idiots behind the gun counter... Its not all but honestly there are few that know as much about guns especially at the big box stores.

anUh Hmm I think....let me see it... Oh yea it opens it so you can put the shells here.
whats this do (pointing under the forearm) I really dont know I dont shoot my double barrels much anymore.

Guy at Gander, I need a scope for my 30-30 can you give me some advise on what I should be looking for?
Sure walkin directly to the 4.5-14x5? Leupold VX3 this is the minimum I would advise for a 30-30 on the low end you can see a lot but if you need to shoot 4-500 yds youll have plenty of magnification.

Guy holding a youth bolt rifle asks the clerk would you measure the length of pull I think this is stll gonna be too long for my
son... sure pulls a tape measure from under the counter takes the rifle runs the bolt and measures the bolt throw.

Friend walks into a gun shop and asks for 38 super ammo clerk hands him a box of 38 special. friend says no I need 38 super guy argues that its the same thing. We leave.

on another level
State trooper pulls over a friend who has a 1911 cocked and locked.
Trooper keeps him on the side of the road for over half an hour. Takes the gun from my friend. takes him 15 min to figure out how to unload it. Then lectures friend on the proper carry of a handgun and how it is extreemly dangerous to carry a gun thats cocked.
Friend tries to explain thats how a 1911 is carried to no avail.
