View Full Version : Best way to straighten crooked necks after necksizing

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02-11-2017, 12:24 AM
I bought the forster bench rest sizing die and have never looked back. I lube necks with graphite, then make sure to clean them after sizing. I also started annealing every 3 firings and now sizing and seating is cakewalk. The anneal, even on "once" fired brass will make a world of difference. Consistency is the name of the game and annealing puts all your brass on the same plane.

The best shooters in the world, other than bechrest guys, have shown that neck sizing does not improve accuracy. It is more to improve brass life than anything because it doesn't work the shoulder. Neck sizing a custom chamber cut with a sharp reamer reamer is one thing, doing it on a factory chamber where the reamer has cut 100+ barrels is another.

02-11-2017, 09:32 PM
For bolt action rifles, fire formed brass is the way to go for accuracy. Full case sizing is not necessary and wears out the brass quickly. The Redding Body die will keep the case shoulder at the first fired dimensions. The Hornady Headspace comparator B350 is used to check shoulders on .308 Cartridge. Most people discount the Lee Collet Die because it is Lee (Cheap??). But Lee has the patent on this die and they enforce it against their competitor if they try to copy it. The Collet Neck Die -- De-cappes and resizes neck simultaneously. The de-capping pin aligns/centers the cartridge thru the fire hole while the neck is resized. This die does not require inside neck lube. The Redding Body sizing Die only require a small amount of resizing wax- which is wiped away with a cloth. This eliminates the need for regular brass tumbling -- which saves a lot of time on with brass prep stages. There are some good you tube videos on the Lee Collect Neck sizing die.

02-12-2017, 04:57 PM
Lube the inside of the necks if using a expander ball.

0.002" neck tension is about perfect. Anything from 0.0015" to 0.003" is ideal.

Stand cases up, spray with Hornady one-shot case sizing lube-spray on a 45deg downward angle from all around the cases, 8" away from them. They'll size themselves afterwards.

I tried many different types of lubes and waxes and the Hornady One-shot is by far the best, and it's impossible to over lube with the stuff, the more the better. Read directions on the spray-can to verify how to use it.

02-12-2017, 05:03 PM
For bolt action rifles, fire formed brass is the way to go for accuracy. Full case sizing is not necessary and wears out the brass quickly. The Redding Body die will keep the case shoulder at the first fired dimensions. The Hornady Headspace comparator B350 is used to check shoulders on .308 Cartridge. Most people discount the Lee Collet Die because it is Lee (Cheap??). But Lee has the patent on this die and they enforce it against their competitor if they try to copy it. The Collet Neck Die -- De-cappes and resizes neck simultaneously. The de-capping pin aligns/centers the cartridge thru the fire hole while the neck is resized. This die does not require inside neck lube. The Redding Body sizing Die only require a small amount of resizing wax- which is wiped away with a cloth. This eliminates the need for regular brass tumbling -- which saves a lot of time on with brass prep stages. There are some good you tube videos on the Lee Collect Neck sizing die.

Sorry, I belong to the "Rat turd in the violin case" fraternity, please note "WHO" wrote the post below.


02-15-2017, 07:24 AM
Thanks to all posters for input... I pulled a few of the loaded rounds which would not chamber re-sized using full length die and rounds load without any resistance. The unsupported shoulder must have been getting pulled up and deformed using neck sizing only( also could have used a bit of lube on necks!).
Great forum.