View Full Version : 12FV 6.5CM, H100v? Imr4451? Superformance?

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01-24-2018, 12:28 AM
I'm gonna go slightly off topic but still related and worth pondering over if you're bored...

One thing to note about Hybrid-100V is it's "Heat of Explosion" rating is much colder than most other powders and should extend barrel life compared to H-4350.

Problem I have is H-4350 Heat of explosion values are contradicting from a couple of sources... My QL version 3.6 shows H-4350 at 3,760, ADI-2209 (H-4350 in Australia) according to QL has a value of 4,000. And According to the Barrel life calculator, H-4350 has a value of 3,990.

So the calculator shows the following....

41 gr of powder
58,000 PSI

H-4350 with value of 3,990 = 1,932 shots before accuracy starts to drop off.

H-4350 with a value of 3,760 = 2,600 shots

Hybrid-100V Heat of explosion value of 3,545 = 3,490 shots

01-24-2018, 09:06 AM
Zero333 I'm not surprised by those 2 different factors. Makes sense with an up to 10% difference between lots of powder. I've seen plenty of guys go to 3000-3300rds before accuracy dropped off hard in both 6.5 Creedmoor and 6.5x47 and it wasn't truly accuracy dropping off, just more unpredictable fliers than usual.

Iowa Fox
01-24-2018, 10:22 PM
I'm gonna go slightly off topic but still related and worth pondering over if you're bored...

One thing to note about Hybrid-100V is it's "Heat of Explosion" rating is much colder than most other powders and should extend barrel life compared to H-4350.

Problem I have is H-4350 Heat of explosion values are contradicting from a couple of sources... My QL version 3.6 shows H-4350 at 3,760, ADI-2209 (H-4350 in Australia) according to QL has a value of 4,000. And According to the Barrel life calculator, H-4350 has a value of 3,990.

So the calculator shows the following....

41 gr of powder
58,000 PSI

H-4350 with value of 3,990 = 1,932 shots before accuracy starts to drop off.

H-4350 with a value of 3,760 = 2,600 shots

Hybrid-100V Heat of explosion value of 3,545 = 3,490 shots

I really like H100V in the 243 with 105s & 107s. In 15" of barrel the barrel stays clean and the muzzle brake doesn't turn instantly black like with some powder, actually it stays pretty clean in my opinion. I'll use it in the CM when I start loading for it.

If you look at Hodgdons loading site H100V gives the best velocity with the 140's in the 6.5 CM of the powders they have listed.

I was at Scheels a couple weeks ago and they had 8 pounders of H4350 for 199. I'm sticking with Hybrid since trying it.

01-24-2018, 11:31 PM
I put some Reloader 15 in mine behind a Nosler 120BT. 1st 10 rounds down range (1 is a low sighter out of the pic):