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charlie b
12-25-2021, 09:20 PM
Hey guys, lighten up a little. Everyone has their own preferences for what and how to shoot.

Dave Hoback
12-25-2021, 09:34 PM
Well Charlie, not for nothing....but Tx was explaining his equipment and a slight problem and it was YOBUCK who felt the need to CORRECT & REBUKE, when infact he was 100% WRONG..... AGAIN! I simply listed the CORRECT information WITH evidence backing up what both Tx originally said & what I had. So that's all.

I agree, it's fine we use different equipment... and it's OK we disagree. But a member can't make up their own info as they go along. Even if they are 86yo.

12-25-2021, 11:09 PM
Well the problem here is that i know exactly what you have and you know it.
Its a piece of shit, as for shooting any type of heavy gun with a heavy recoil, especially from a standing position.
The tripod is intended for supporting a camera, or at best a large set of binoculars.
You get buy with it because you dont actually know any better, but attempt to convince people that you do.
At 86 im well aware of shooting with handicaps, but so long as our mind isnt handicapped, some of us can still do pretty well.
But then some always had a handicapped mind.
If i could post pictures id show you what a good setup looks like. Weve been experimenting for about 50 years, and we have it pretty well solved for what you are trying to do with your tinker toy setup. Actually there are quite a few that i could show, but frankly none even resemble yours.
Youve been busy tring to impress people with expensive scopes, rather than finding ways to shoot better, and spending your money on that.
If somebody will volunteer, ill email pics of some good setups for accurate long range shooting.
And some of the guns we use and a few of the locations we use them.

You make me laugh, Yobuck. You just think you know it all, about everything.
I'm sure you and your old friends have come up with things that work better for the ways you do things. This is what I found that works for me, and it works very well, and it's far from being a POS.
The tri-pod will support up to 72lbs, the head will support more than that. None of the rifles that get used on it weigh more than 20lbs.

I get by with it because I'm a damn good marksman, and know how to shoot. And, I don't recall ever pushing the equipment that I use on anyone. You are the one that asked about it in the first place.

I don't try to impress anyone with the guns / scopes that I build / shoot or the expense that I have in them. Sounds like you're just a jealous old man!
Believe me, I don't need to find ways to shoot better, I'm very happy with the skills that I've acquired in the last 57 years.
As far as spending money, it's mine to spend. I've been debt free for a long time, and can afford to buy what I like.

12-25-2021, 11:53 PM
Yobuck, Just for fun, I looked at the "Ultimate Tripod" and the "Lone Star Tripod". They look very well made, but they are basically the same style of design that the Caldwell Deadshot Magnum tripod that I also have / use.

I don't see where any of the ones that you suggested would work any better than what I use. With any of the cradle style rest, you can still cant the rifle/scope. With the ZRODelta rest, you cannot can't the rifle/scope unless you really put some force on the stock.
Once you setup the tripod level, and mount the rifle on top of the head, the scope reticle will remain completely vertical/plumb at all times while shooting no matter what position you have the rifle pointed in 360*.

12-26-2021, 10:16 AM
Here's a good example. Artcise is one of the better in the affordable line. This is a 54mm Mount that supports 70lbs! TX's modified setup is a different style which I would think will support even more! I'm wondering where you are seeing "pot Metal"?? Maybe on the very cheap CHINESIUM brands. Likely made of Zinc-Aluminum alloy So.....

You are correct Dave there are other versions of ball mounts and as you said, some are very good ones.
But this dosent happen to be one of them, which is why he needed support for it.
Check out the Pow-R-Arm model 334 for example, made by the Wilton vice company.
Ive owned one for more than 40 years which is used in conjunction with a bearing slide system.
Lots of others in the area i hunt used them as well very successfully i might add.
It was not my creation originally, but that of a friend and mentor.
It sat on or was attached to a solid foundation like a bench however, not a camera tripod.
Good benches can be built to shoot standing from also and still be portable.
My current setup is a combination of both, but uses a very good military tripod.
Im very aware that these type devices have become very popular today.
They will work pretty well for some applications, like prairie dogs for example with smaller calibers.
Watch the videos, and as you do watch the type guns used and if the guns are suppressed.
They sound like cap guns being shot, and there is no recoil.
You wont see any of them shooting with the tripod legs extended very far either.
Long range accuracy, especially with heavier guns using larger cartridges requires a very good setup in order to have good results.
And that is a far cry from being one.
If its OK for him to repeatedly throw insults at me then he best have some thick skin because i have ammo also.
Too bad were so far apart, because he could learn a few things he only thinks he knows now.
Are you up for posting pictures Dave?

We dont use them much anymore because weve improved upon it.

12-26-2021, 10:58 AM
Yobuck, Just for fun, I looked at the "Ultimate Tripod" and the "Lone Star Tripod". They look very well made, but they are basically the same style of design that the Caldwell Deadshot Magnum tripod that I also have / use.

I don't see where any of the ones that you suggested would work any better than what I use. With any of the cradle style rest, you can still cant the rifle/scope. With the ZRODelta rest, you cannot can't the rifle/scope unless you really put some force on the stock.
Once you setup the tripod level, and mount the rifle on top of the head, the scope reticle will remain completely vertical/plumb at all times while shooting no matter what position you have the rifle pointed in 360*.
For your information, both the benches i use and the tripod i use are setup by using a small 12” level.
I dont use or need scope levels and feel they are nothing more than window dressing.
My tripod is in fact a bench as well with a 360 deg rotating top.
The rear of the gun is supported with a rabbit ear bag on both my bench and tripod.
I also own an Ultimate Tripod and my hunting buddy owns a Lone Star.
We killed 3 bucks in about that many minits with 3 different guys using the same gun from that tripod, at an average distance of 700 yards for the three.
There were four of them together, and if we had a fourth guy we would have killed that one also. But we did get it 2 days later.
18# 300 Norma with a cheap Leupold scope. So yes, the Ultimat Tripod works very well.
But like all things, only to a point, which is why i built a better one.
Have you ever drug 3 deer at the same time for about 400 yards up a steep hillside?

Dave Hoback
12-26-2021, 12:08 PM
Oh boy! Now resorting to a “who has the BIGGEST johnson” contest... oh brother! :rolleyes: Aren’t you above that at your age Yobuck?

12-26-2021, 01:13 PM
You are correct Dave there are other versions of ball mounts and as you said, some are very good ones.
But this dosent happen to be one of them, which is why he needed support for it.
Check out the Pow-R-Arm model 334 for example, made by the Wilton vice company.
Ive owned one for more than 40 years which is used in conjunction with a bearing slide system.
Lots of others in the area i hunt used them as well very successfully i might add.
It was not my creation originally, but that of a friend and mentor.
It sat on or was attached to a solid foundation like a bench however, not a camera tripod.
Good benches can be built to shoot standing from also and still be portable.
My current setup is a combination of both, but uses a very good military tripod.
Im very aware that these type devices have become very popular today.
They will work pretty well for some applications, like prairie dogs for example with smaller calibers.
Watch the videos, and as you do watch the type guns used and if the guns are suppressed.
They sound like cap guns being shot, and there is no recoil.
You wont see any of them shooting with the tripod legs extended very far either.
Long range accuracy, especially with heavier guns using larger cartridges requires a very good setup in order to have good results.
And that is a far cry from being one.
If its OK for him to repeatedly throw insults at me then he best have some thick skin because i have ammo also.
Too bad were so far apart, because he could learn a few things he only thinks he knows now.
Are you up for posting pictures Dave?

We dont use them much anymore because weve improved upon it.

Once again, You evidently don't know or can't tell the difference between what I have and a ball mount. Plus, you are insinuating that I always use it in a standing position, I don't. 95% of the time both of the tripod setups that I have are used either setting on the ground or from a seated position. About the only time they are used in a standing position is when we are hog hunting at the ranch because we are in open pastures or hay fields.

You can use whatever you want, and I'll do the same. But don't tell me what I use is wrong when it works perfectly for me.
That's your biggest problem, You think everyone needs to do stuff your way. You have your opinion, as does everyone else.
Your way is only right for you, not everyone else.

Oh, You evidently don't know that most tripods have bubble levels built into the top of them. I don't need a carpenters level or a scope level to level either of mine. LOL!

12-26-2021, 01:25 PM
Oh boy! Now resorting to a “who has the BIGGEST johnson” contest... oh brother! :rolleyes: Aren’t you above that at your age Yobuck?
Not a question of big Dave, nor is it a question of who might be the better shooter.
Ive never claimed to be a good shooter, but i have said that average shooters can be better shooters with good equipment.
Anybody can place a rifle on some type of a rest and probably do pretty well with the first shot.
But how about follow up shots? Especially if theres no time to rearrainge the equipment before doing so?
Fact is that your own experience is limited to areas you no doubt excel at.
But this area obviously isnt one of them.
I would suggest that others reading this try the various setups before deciding which might be best for their own situation.
Note that we are now seeing a bit of back tracking as for the standing while shooting with that tripod.
You want to shoot well while standing? Even with a heavy recoiling gun?
Come shoot off one of mine Dave, and thats not bragging, simply stating a fact.
And you know what else? lots of guys i know are doing it, some much better than we are.

Dave Hoback
12-26-2021, 06:56 PM
YOUR words from the last post:
“Fact is that your own experience is limited to areas you no doubt excel at. But this area obviously isnt one of them.”

What I said from post #19 on the FIRST page:
“You may be 86 and know quite a bit about Huntin' and what not, but this is, most assuredly, one area you are showing to have little knowledge of.”

This is the 2nd or 3rd time you’ve tried to use EXACTLY what I said back at me! Don’t you have anything original? You do know in any debate you can’t simply repeat back to someone what they said, just using different words... you do know that, yes? Yet, here I’ve called you out on it at least twice!

Yobuck, what happened in your life some months ago to turn you into this bitter old man with a chip on your shoulder? You were never like this in years past. Then out of nowhere you start lashing out at people. Rebuking for no reason. And disagreeing....but ALWAYS with maliciousness.

12-27-2021, 10:33 AM
Your entitled to what ever opinions you prefer having Dave.
But rest assured if i posted pictures of say an AR that i built, and claimed it to be something it wasent, you would be first in line to be all over me over it.
Im asking you to go shoot off that type tripod set up at long range, and then make your mind up as to who was making the best case.
Tell you what Dave, if you can find the strength to make it about 200 miles from where you live, ill give you a very nice free place to stay while you shoot and try various setups at whatever distance you like from the front yard.
Then you can speak from the experience of having done it and seeing the results, otherwise your just another guy blowing smoke on the internet.
Your apperently not even interested in seeing and comparing pictures, youd rather just let your personal feelings dictate your thoughts and opinions.
These types of forums at least should be open for discussion and opposing points of view on things like this.
And apparently the moderators agree on that so long as it dosent get nasty or deeply political.
Otherwise whats the point? other than listening to people brag on about whatever.
Im not bragging Dave, i can back up everything ive been saying here, none of which includes any special personal abilities, and im offering you an opportunity to see it and try it for yourself first hand.
Do you have a young son Dave, if so bring him along as well, and he can do it also using our equipment, probably even better than you.
You see its not about me at all Dave, its about good equipment, and knowing or being shown how to properly use it.

Dave Hoback
12-27-2021, 11:10 AM
LOL! Who you trying to convince me or yourself? I have a grown son, yes... I’ve posted pictures before of him. It’s not very difficult for someone to outshoot me. I can hit what I’m aiming at, but not what I once was. One eye, & bad vision in the one I have. Partially Paralyzed and other permanent injuries. Hahaha... when I get out to shoot it’s for fun. I don’t hunt anymore....I don’t don’t compete anymore.

And as for traveling a couple hundred miles to use whatever time I have left to bump hips with your bitter, poor attitude.. Uhhh, tempting. But NO! :rolleyes:

12-28-2021, 11:07 AM
LOL! Who you trying to convince me or yourself? I have a grown son, yes... I’ve posted pictures before of him. It’s not very difficult for someone to outshoot me. I can hit what I’m aiming at, but not what I once was. One eye, & bad vision in the one I have. Partially Paralyzed and other permanent injuries. Hahaha... when I get out to shoot it’s for fun. I don’t hunt anymore....I don’t don’t compete anymore.

And as for traveling a couple hundred miles to use whatever time I have left to bump hips with your bitter, poor attitude.. Uhhh, tempting. But NO! :rolleyes:
Well i knew that was a safe bet when i made the offer Dave. lol
Actually when you come right down to it this issue didnt even involve you to begin with.
The issue for you is that someone was challenged for something they said.
That of poses a threat to people of your mindset and must be put down using whatever means possible.
It was actually none of your business to even involve yourself in that equipment argument since it really didnt even involve you.
And you had nothing to offer as an alternative other than your mouth.
And if you will take the time to notice, no one else did, and for sure there are some who could have.
As for the miserable old man comment, for sure i am old, but ive actually never had any reason to be miserable.
Fact is im very greatfull for the life i have, which ive had at least some degree of control creating.
Yesterday for example i had a very nice afternoon/evening fishing from my boat in the nice balmy Florida weather.
And yes, i did catch 9 of the only fish im interested in catching.
Which puts me at 128 of just those for 12 trips since Oct 19, plus a few 5/6 pound bass as a bonus.
Stopped on the way home for a Popeyes chicken sandwich, took a shower and relaxed before going to bed about 11 pm.
I usually only do this computer stuff in the morning while im having coffee Dave.
Other than that im out and about enjoying my life.
I hope you have a better day today also Dave.

Dave Hoback
12-28-2021, 08:21 PM
All that was more of your lies. But if you believe it, good luck with that. You can continue on...(I know how you can’t help but get the last word in). You bore me, so this is the last bit I’ll say to you. You need to stop taking your loneliness out on people here. B-bye now.

12-30-2021, 01:56 AM
Hold on fellas. About 95 percent of the guys i have met from Penn are similar to yobuck. Laugh at the little digs he puts out. Being argumentative and calling everyone out is bred into Pensters. It is how they get the detailed information they need out of you. Texans, at least many from my generation like TXHillbilly, we are perfect and need no special instructions to understand. Now sit back and relax, ya hear.

12-30-2021, 10:05 AM
Hold on fellas. About 95 percent of the guys i have met from Penn are similar to yobuck. Laugh at the little digs he puts out. Being argumentative and calling everyone out is bred into Pensters. It is how they get the detailed information they need out of you. Texans, at least many from my generation like TXHillbilly, we are perfect and need no special instructions to understand. Now sit back and relax, ya hear.
Besides, everything is always bigger and better in Texas, right RH. And if your not sure of that just ask one.
Ive actually found people can be argumentive pretty much anywhere, but admittedly the Dutchies from Dutch wonderland might have a bit of an edge in that area.
But actually RH the detailed information spread from the East to the West. lol

12-31-2021, 03:22 PM
Besides, everything is always bigger and better in Texas, right RH. And if your not sure of that just ask one.
Ive actually found people can be argumentive pretty much anywhere, but admittedly the Dutchies from Dutch wonderland might have a bit of an edge in that area.
But actually RH the detailed information spread from the East to the West. lol

Yes it did. And East Texas has got its own set of characters.

12-31-2021, 05:02 PM
Yes it did. And East Texas has got its own set of characters.

I've always considered most real East Texan's rejected Cajun's from Louisiana. LOL!

charlie b
12-31-2021, 11:29 PM
There is more than one Texas, but all of them are Texans :)

Many things did move from east to west, but, can't forget that we got gunpowder from the Chinese :)