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12-23-2021, 08:10 AM
The Rock Chucker Is one of the best known presses around. Mine is 40 years old and
doing primarily all the heavy resizing work. Two years ago, Natchez ran a sale on the
new Rock Chucker Supreme. It's the old standby but with more opening height for the
longer cartridges. I love it for the extra room when loading the longer VLD bullets.

If your just going to start reloading, pick up the LEE Ultimate 4 die set. Very inexpensive
and comes with the Collet neck sizer die.

Dave Hoback
12-23-2021, 08:39 AM
I agree. Can’t go wrong with the inexpensive Lee dies. The Rock Chucker Supreme is on sale most places for like $188 right now. That is a great deal for a press that will last forever! That, along with the die set, inexpensive beam scale, Vernier Caliper and a couple case prep tools gets you some high quality reloading right away. Then, over time you can add to your set. A case trimmer, a powder throw(I don’t use even use one), a powder trickler... these are things you add over time.

12-23-2021, 11:39 AM
Yes the Rockchucker is famous for quality, at least it has been. I have also modified lee dies to shoot some great scores. What you buy and the level you want to reload is your choice.

Honestly there are several levels of reloading. If you are on a tight budget take your time on knowing what you need and don't buy the stupid stuff. Important things to consider as you start you journey down the accuracy side of reloading. Below is not for everyone but it should be the goal of a person shooting for accuracy at longer ranges.

For the brass: Use the highest quality brass you can afford. Inspect everything for consistency.

If you are having trouble at longer ranges, learn to anneal. Learn how to keep bullet tip run out below .003". Learn about neck tension(my biggest issue with lee dies).

Powder: Learn what it means to accurately measure charges(Less than .1 grains accuracy. Much closer if you are shooting 600 plus)

Every reloader should have a method of finding the right powder charge weather it is a ladder test or the OCW method or other. Double check it.

12-23-2021, 12:04 PM

Me too! Probably my favorite cartridge. Several years ago I took some advice from a former sniper type who also liked the 7mm Magnum. and bought some Nosler 120 Ballistic Tips. After, several days of experimenting, I ended up with a load that was a "screamer". Five shot groups always less than .50" and a few in the low 3's. Rifle was heavy and braked so it was fun to shoot but expensive for sure!
+2 and IS my favorite caliber. Don't shoot it much these days, but it still ranks at the top for me. Bought it from the original owner who was shooting flat base varmint bullets in the 115 - 120gr range and have a few left somewhere in my stash.

Mine's about as plain as they came, plastic butt plate, blah plain non-checkered stock, internal mag, but dang accurate and only cost $100. Worked up a nice deer load for it in the late 80s using 150gr Ballistic Tips and they never failed me.

12-23-2021, 07:34 PM
I have also modified lee dies to shoot some great scores.

Yes Sir !! Most of my wild cat dies are modified Lee's. Early on there was no
collet die for the 284 Winchester. 8 beers later I made one from the Lee 7/08
collet die. All my chamber dies I hone on Lee's.

12-23-2021, 08:22 PM
My Midway cart has $657 worth of reloading stuff , but I feel like thats just the tip of the iceberg . No powder or primers yet , but just the basic stuff , three sets of dies .

Dave Hoback
12-23-2021, 09:54 PM
BOO-JYAA! Now, are you just Inter-web window shopping, or doin’ the do today? Same as I do... I always get MYSELF a Christmas present. It’s great... I always end up getting myself EXACTLY what I wanted!

12-23-2021, 11:05 PM
BOO-JYAA! Now, are you just Inter-web window shopping, or doin’ the do today? Same as I do... I always get MYSELF a Christmas present. It’s great... I always end up getting myself EXACTLY what I wanted!
The new gun was my present , LOL Exactly what I wanted too !

Just pricing it out right now , but it's coming soon , you have convinced me , along with everyone else , LOL .

But , now you'll have to deal with all my stupid questions about reloading , soon !

Dave Hoback
12-24-2021, 04:32 AM
Never a problem. Guys here truly love reloading. A number of us find it especially relaxing.... very enjoyable. And very much look to share our experience with others.

12-24-2021, 06:58 AM
My Midway cart has $657 worth of reloading stuff , but I feel like thats just the tip of the iceberg . No powder or primers yet , but just the basic stuff , three sets of dies .

I would'nt be so quick to give Uncle Larry all your cash. First off, I disowned him
a few years back for bad pricing and shipping. Look around first. I normally buy
more from Mid South Shooters Supply and Natchez. If these two have the same
price, Mid South will most likely have a better shipping price. And tip of the ice-
burg !! Precision reloading can take you down several dozen rabbit holes.:cool:
There's gadgets out there that needs bank loans. LOL Look up a Promethius
powder scale. I used to think my Sartorious was off the charts when I ran across
it !!! And later on in life when the brass starts piling up and getting dingy, you'll
be looking into a tumbler or vibrator, and after that a decent annealer.

It's fun spending someone else's money !!

12-24-2021, 07:30 AM
I would'nt be so quick to give Uncle Larry all your cash. First off, I disowned him
a few years back for bad pricing and shipping. Look around first. I normally buy
more from Mid South Shooters Supply and Natchez. If these two have the same
price, Mid South will most likely have a better shipping price. And tip of the ice-
burg !! Precision reloading can take you down several dozen rabbit holes.:cool:
There's gadgets out there that needs bank loans. LOL Look up a Promethius
powder scale. I used to think my Sartorious was off the charts when I ran across
it !!! And later on in life when the brass starts piling up and getting dingy, you'll
be looking into a tumbler or vibrator, and after that a decent annealer.

It's fun spending someone else's money !!
Thanks for the heads up , I'm just using Midwest's cart to try and come up with an idea of what I need to spend just to get started . I'll try to find a used press most likely .

Dave Hoback
12-24-2021, 10:49 AM
Remember to, much of the $$$ toys are for convenience & speed. For instance, I don’t use a powder throw, where some people spend hundreds on one. And as Robin pointed out, a scale can cost an arm/leg. I use an inexpensive Frankford digital scale & a 30yo beam scale. The expensive counterparts are for extreme accuracy, yes. But most of all, they are for ease & speed. As I have said, I truly enjoy reloading. I have no reason to go fast. I take my time. I use a cheap Lee powder scoop kit to drop charges and a powder trickler to bring charges perfect. I know my scale is good for at least .1gr, because I routinely test it against the beam scale. The things I do in reloading are SLOW.....methodical even. And I enjoy every slow second.

Although, when loading for accuracy & VOLUME, the expensive toys really are needed. Lucky for me, volume ain’t my stick.

12-24-2021, 03:38 PM
https://ibb.co/ggvGDhghttps://ibb.co/ggvGDhgMerry Christmas to me ! Here she is , what are your thoughts ?

https://i.ibb.co/6sv24Ls/IMG-1404.jpg (https://ibb.co/ggvGDhg)

Dave Hoback
12-24-2021, 05:34 PM
A quite capable & beautiful setup my friend. I truly hope you enjoy it as I enjoy my own Savages.

charlie b
12-24-2021, 05:56 PM
Nice looking rig.

Reloading setup. Choices depend a lot on what you will want to reload. I did mostly pistol years ago so went to progressive stuff 'early' on.

If I were to stay with precision rifle stuff I'd probably go with a Coax press. Second choice would be any of the steel "O" frame presses, Lee included.

The dies and other accessories are also driven by use. A good scale is key. I would invest in good dies. I do like my Lee collet neck size die, but, I am in the minority there. I also use a Redding competition seating die for the .308.

12-24-2021, 07:15 PM
Nice looking rig.

Reloading setup. Choices depend a lot on what you will want to reload. I did mostly pistol years ago so went to progressive stuff 'early' on.

If I were to stay with precision rifle stuff I'd probably go with a Coax press. Second choice would be any of the steel "O" frame presses, Lee included.

The dies and other accessories are also driven by use. A good scale is key. I would invest in good dies. I do like my Lee collet neck size die, but, I am in the minority there. I also use a Redding competition seating die for the .308.

A quite capable & beautiful setup my friend. I truly hope you enjoy it as I enjoy my own Savages.

Thanks guys , I won't be able to shoot it till next week , the weather is perfect for offshore fishing Sunday . It's going to be a long week , LOL

12-26-2021, 07:10 PM
https://ibb.co/DbP3T7KTook it to the range today after all , did the break in thing , then sighted it in . Shot at 100 yards .
https://i.ibb.co/JHWwyTH/IMG-1407.jpg (https://ibb.co/M7yxGH7)

Dave Hoback
12-26-2021, 09:25 PM
Without the flyer, that's quite acceptable. And with factory ammo I'm gathering? Good stuff partner.

12-26-2021, 09:39 PM
Without the flyer, that's quite acceptable. And with factory ammo I'm gathering? Good stuff partner.

Yes Hornady Match 108 ELD , off sand bags . I need to order a good bipod for a ARCA rail mount .