View Full Version : Single feed sled

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06-07-2023, 03:54 PM
What size PVC did you use?

charlie b
06-08-2023, 09:18 AM
Pretty slick hombre:tea: Not a bad little DIY money saver.

Although… I’m still having trouble understanding why people can’t just set a round in by hand with the magazine in place?? I’ve done it half a KAJILLION times and never noticed a problem.

Like others it depends on the magazine and the geometry to the barrel and the cartridge.

My 12 in .308 I could place a jacketed round on the follower and it would chamber. My .223 Axis would not feed this way. I had to put the rounds in the magazine or they would not feed. It was a real PITA when I had a cartridge that was too long for the magazine.

The 6mmBR will not feed if placed on the follower. It 'tips' over cause the round is nose heavy. Ironically, it will feed from a .308 magazine.

.308 with cast depends on the bullet. My favorite 210gn is long and has a flatter nose so it hangs up as well. From the magazine it does feed well. Heck, it even feeds fine in my Garand.

Dave Hoback
06-08-2023, 10:47 AM
There’s no rifle I’ve ever fired, that I could not simply slip a single round into.

charlie b
06-08-2023, 08:04 PM
Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it never happens. :)

And, yes, I can single load just about anything. It sometimes isn't as simple as laying a cartridge on the top of the magazine and closing the bolt. Some guns require slipping the round into a magazine, like the Garand. 1911 pistols can be fed with a round placed directly in the chamber but it isn't good for the extractor.

06-17-2023, 09:58 PM
MK Machining (https://www.mkmachining.com/product/savage-short-action-single-shot-sled/)

They have a couple of different ones. If you're using AICS mags, they have and AICS sled available as well.

06-18-2023, 07:41 AM
MK Machining (https://www.mkmachining.com/product/savage-short-action-single-shot-sled/)

They have a couple of different ones. If you're using AICS mags, they have and AICS sled available as well.

The first sled I tried was from MK Machining. It did not fit into my Savage 110 .223. Spoke with the nice folks at MK and they gave me a full refund upon return of the sled. Went with a poly sled, and even it required some minor dremeling to fit.

06-26-2023, 04:05 PM
FWIW, I just purchased this Score High Bench Rest follower (from Midway) in order to convert my new (to me) mod 12 BVSS in .223. This rifle will jam 3 of 4 times in single feed mode unless I push the round way forward by hand before closing the bolt. I'm thinking it's the small diameter of the bullet that makes it ride nose down and get caught on the breech face.
Anyway, it looks like a quality piece of gear but I don't think if will fit my blind mag in the 12BVSs . The shape is all wrong from what I can see.
(BTW, can anyone tell me how to get that mag out of the stock for access to it's base? I can't seem to release the catch.)

I'm thinking I should have ordered a Fred Sled or make my own as shown above.
https://i.ibb.co/SwyrBQm/20230625-095835.jpg (https://ibb.co/xqLH6mg)
https://i.ibb.co/C10wZXQ/20230625-095849.jpg (https://ibb.co/kHcGfrX)

Dave Hoback
06-26-2023, 06:47 PM
It’s quite simple. You see how the factory magazine box has the block in the back? Where as the new Sled doesn’t only a very shallow kind of block which doesn’t prevent the round from falling to the back. Figure a way to keep the round pushed all the way forward and it should be fine.

That said… I still don’t understand why you guys are having all these problems. When you load a round can’t you you just set it forward and load? I’m just not a fan of the single load set up. In doing so the shooter is still taking their eyes & concentration off target. Regardless of thinking that isn’t the case. The shooter still must feel around for a shell, sometimes pulling head off cheek weld, etc. Just not what I like doing with any shooting, rifle, pistol. But I digress.

Ya know… the mag box & follower could be modified as a sled & likely work better than any of the aftermarket. Just measure depth of follower with a single round inserted, remove the spring and fix the follower at that logged height. Either by blocking under the follower, or pinning in the box. Then cut the feed lips back.

charlie b
06-27-2023, 08:09 AM

The problem for me is the feed lips. The base of the cartridge rides on them and the shoulder is not supported at the front where the feed lips 'fall away'. That's what the sled is supposed to prevent.

One of these days (he says like he'll actually do it someday) I'll make a block to fill in the magazine port on my action and make it a true single shot. Not that hard to do, just takes some time.

06-27-2023, 08:24 AM
That Score High follower is for "non-center feed only", aka stagger feed, and your 12BVSS is center feed. BTDT a few years ago because I didn't read the fine print prior to ordering.

06-28-2023, 08:28 AM
I was in the same situation with the MK not fitting properly. I've read several reports with other having the same issue. Most sanded off certain areas of the magazine so it would fit properly. On my KRG Bravo stock, the regular magazine would not go in easily either. I little bit of sanding in the magwell area solve the issue. Not the magazine and MK works well.

06-28-2023, 08:52 PM
Thanks, I found this out in exactly the same way. Fortunately, it was only a $10 mistake. I contacted SSS and they told me that they don't make a center feed product. I'd really like to find a drop in solution but will put my engineering hat on if I have too. Shooting my BVSS off the bench today, loading the mag was PITA and about every other round attempted would not single feed for me . I love everything about the rifle except the feeding system.

07-02-2023, 03:56 PM
So after striking out finding a single shot adaptor for the center feed (blind) mag in my mod 12 BVSS in .223. I decided to make something. Long story short, I'm not through yet but have found an simple interim fix that seems to work pretty well. Specifically, that a simple 1"Wx1.3"Tx3" L block of closed cell packing foam , when fit in the magazine well, does a pretty good job of imitating a sled.. Basically, it just puts a wide ,, smooth flat floor in the receiver where you can drop your rounds.
I just got back from the range where I shot 25 rounds before a T Storm came in. Only 2 of 25 rounds failed to feed smoothly (when dropped in from the left of the receiver) on the first try . I'm sure that with a little thought/practice on how I dropped the rounds in, that number could go to 2 in 100.
In any case, I'm not done prototyping yet. ( My intent being to integrate the Score High sled I purchased above onto a foam base) but figured I'd share this quick fix with anyone trying to convert their BVSS to a single shot. Give it takes all of 10 min to make and install, and costs all of $0, it's not bad!
https://i.ibb.co/KGqgspT/20230701-112058.jpg (https://ibb.co/n0cy1Nx)
https://i.ibb.co/qrtP7YQ/20230701-112143-1.jpg (https://ibb.co/Ny8Ht2B)
https://i.ibb.co/G2gRp0d/20230701-112502.jpg (https://ibb.co/BZ8B3tf)
https://i.ibb.co/3pD5QGV/20230701-111507-1.jpg (https://ibb.co/n7HqtZ4)

charlie b
07-02-2023, 04:39 PM
Looks just about right. I was thinking of putting a slight angle on mine so the nose is pointed a bit up as the bolt slides if forward.

07-04-2023, 12:52 PM
Here is an update. This design forces the bullet up as it moves forward. Anyway, for the extra $10, I think it's a near perfect solution. Problem solved.
