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08-19-2023, 06:50 AM
Congrats to you guys on the list for your patience. If $395 is the new price point, that is good price point. Maybe this will also take the pressure off of the used contender frame market.

08-19-2023, 11:09 AM
Congrats to you guys on the list for your patience. If $395 is the new price point, that is good price point. Maybe this will also take the pressure off of the used contender frame market.

My thoughts too. I have looking for a complete frame for a while but looks like an affordable option to start with. Then I just need to source the rest of the parts.

Slowpoke Slim
08-19-2023, 04:43 PM
I agree about the used "market". Prices have just gotten stupid for "shooter grade" frames.

I'm not talking about the ultra rare slab sides pre-engraved cat, etc, but just regular plain old frames with some normal usage wear on them.

Hope SSK is able to sell a boat load of them.

08-20-2023, 04:17 PM
That's a lot less then I figured they would sell for. $395 is a very good price in todays market. Only time will tell how well they sell.

08-21-2023, 11:36 AM
I'm curious to see how this goes down. I pre-ordered two in the beginning like a lot of people, because I wanted sequential serials for my Dad and my myself. But I got tired of waiting and refunded, but was told I would hold my spot in line. Maybe I'll get a call when they get down to me on the list.


And just after I posted I got the email update from Marty. I'm not up in line yet, but looks like they are keeping peoples spot in line... Now I'm getting excited again

08-21-2023, 02:52 PM
My son was one of the three testing and the frames look good with good triggers. We tried 8 barrels the first night from a 22 to 45-70 one was an older octagon hot shot barrel. With about 75 rounds fired to check function. Out of 15 barrels tried so far my 357 Max barrel would not fit and one other barrel. The problem was the barrels and NOT THE FRAME. They both had a burr on the rear of the barrel boss which prevented closing. A couple of swipes with a stone or file to remove the burr and they worked fine. It is a simple fix. Marty at Hause of Arms has pictures of the fix both before and after if you have any trouble with barrels. We should have three more pre ordered and paid for frames to check soon and have more barrels to test fit . Looking good so far!:p

08-21-2023, 09:35 PM
My son was one of the three testing and the frames look good with good triggers. We tried 8 barrels the first night from a 22 to 45-70 one was an older octagon hot shot barrel. With about 75 rounds fired to check function. Out of 15 barrels tried so far my 357 Max barrel would not fit and one other barrel. The problem was the barrels and NOT THE FRAME. They both had a burr on the rear of the barrel boss which prevented closing. A couple of swipes with a stone or file to remove the burr and they worked fine. It is a simple fix. Marty at Hause of Arms has pictures of the fix both before and after if you have any trouble with barrels. We should have three more pre ordered and paid for frames to check soon and have more barrels to test fit . Looking good so far!:p

That is great news junebug! Thanks for sharing

08-22-2023, 08:34 AM
Straight from Haus Of Arms Newsletter:

Well, folks, the wait is over--SSK-50 FRAMES ARE SHIPPING!!! Several mentions have been made on various Facebook groups, but I know many of you are not on social media.

Just a reminder that we'll be contacting you when your order is ready to ship. We'll need a fresh copy of your FFL as well as payment if you've not already done so (or received a refund). We are extremely busy contacting customers and shipping these frames so please be patient.

You can also help by not calling to ask where you are on the list. That will just interrupt our flow and slow down the process

Of the 400 orders originally placed and as a thank you for your patience, each customer will be allowed to add one frame (flat side or lynx) that will begin with order 401. Once we fill those orders, we will begin calling those on the waitlist.

You can see the new listings of the flatside (https://www.hausofarms.com/SSK-50-FRAME--FLATSIDE_p_4310.html?referer=mailid:120&emailmkt=ttred1956@yahoo.com)and lynx (https://www.hausofarms.com/SSK-50-FRAME--LYNX_p_4308.html?referer=mailid:120&emailmkt=ttred1956@yahoo.com) at a price of $395. If you've been watching resale frames for Contender, G2 and/or Encore, this is a great price with an awesome trigger right out of the box. If you don't have an order in place or are not on the waitlist, you can go to the listings and add your name.

We want to say a very big thank you for your patience. These frames are awesome and truly worth the wait!

Slowpoke Slim
08-22-2023, 12:27 PM
Flat side and Lynx frames are the same price. $395. Just put myself on the list for the flat side. I will be ordering 2, when my time comes. I'm sure it will be a year or more, they are so far behind right now. At least folks should stop harassing them now and making outlandish accusations or conspiracy theories.

SSK, I'm patient. I'll quietly wait my turn. I'm thankful you're bringing them to market, and at such a great price.

Thank you for sticking with it and not letting the negative old women get you down.

Magnum Mike
08-23-2023, 07:38 PM
Got my flat side today. I didn't realize it would have black nitride hammer, trigger, and trigger guard. Maybe it was stated as such at the beginning and 3.5+ years later, I forgot!

I'm hoping that ssk sells these direct in the future, not that I plan on buying more. I, originally, just wanted to support the project as i wanted to see the contender to continue to be avaliable for future generations.

As to all the hoopla regarding the dissatisfied comments, the complete lack of communication created a sincere concern that we, those of us that jumped in early with our funds, might have been for naught. It's easy to criticize, when your standing on the outside with nothing invested, now that we now it's a real thing, over 3.5 years later! So, have some understanding, some of us had a vested interest, not just an interest.

08-23-2023, 07:55 PM
As to all the hoopla regarding the dissatisfied comments, the complete lack of communication created a sincere concern that we, those of us that jumped in early with our funds, might have been for naught. It's easy to criticize, when your standing on the outside with nothing invested, now that we now it's a real thing, over 3.5 years later! So, have some understanding, some of us had a vested interest, not just an interest.

I have to say that any negative commentary was earned and not frivolously handed out. :p
My only dealing with SSK showed me that the communication saavy and customer relations skills are somewhat lacking to say the least. I was very happy to get on the waiting list and if I'd caught the wave early enough, I'd probably have plunked down my money up front. But...when you tease a product for years and say "almost there" enough times without producing results and don't think enough of your customers to offer any real assessment or explanation, you don't deserve a lot of respect or consideration or patience, IMO.

That being said, I'll be thrilled when my name comes up and I can buy a couple of frames. I expect that they'll be good quality but I won't expect a high level of service from SSK if there's any sort of problem. :)

08-24-2023, 03:51 AM
Got my flat side today. I didn't realize it would have black nitride hammer, trigger, and trigger guard. Maybe it was stated as such at the beginning and 3.5+ years later, I forgot!

I'm hoping that ssk sells these direct in the future, not that I plan on buying more. I, originally, just wanted to support the project as i wanted to see the contender to continue to be avaliable for future generations.

As to all the hoopla regarding the dissatisfied comments, the complete lack of communication created a sincere concern that we, those of us that jumped in early with our funds, might have been for naught. It's easy to criticize, when your standing on the outside with nothing invested, now that we now it's a real thing, over 3.5 years later! So, have some understanding, some of us had a vested interest, not just an interest.

Yhat's awesome news Mike! I hope you enjoy it.

08-24-2023, 11:12 AM
I'm curious...does anyone have an idea of how many they're shipping per week or per month?
The wait list is something like 1600 names. Even if they're shipping 30 a week (which would be a lot, I imagine), it'll be at least a year before they're at the end of it.
It'd be cool if Marty posted the list somewhere and gave some indication as to the pace of order fulfillment. It would probably make his life easier, too. I'm sure his phone has been blowing up with questions and inquiries. :)

Slowpoke Slim
08-24-2023, 08:18 PM
Did you guys ever stop to think that just maybe "Marty" may be trying to run a company? I'm quite sure SSK does not have some giant public relations department with nothing better to do than to keep up with every single website, email and social media outlet. I'm sure some of this was kept under wraps due to necessity (think S&W trying as hard as they could to derail it unless given large bags of cash, or 3rd party vendors not being able to follow through with supplying viable product, etc). Your $300 bought you occasional updates, and SSK DID offer anyone still upset the opportunity to get refunds.

Bringing a new product to market is time consuming, and EXPENSIVE. Especially when a big portion of that manufacturing must be done out of house (3rd party vendors). I'm still chuckling at the idea of folks who fronted SSK, what? $300? Each? Consider themselves some kind of capital investment tycoon, and they now "own" a piece of the company's endeavor.

$300 "buy in" x 400 lucky contributors = $120K

I'm *QUITE* sure this product development (and now release) has cost SSK many times more cash than that (you need to think in the 10-20x or more range).

Your $300 does not and did not give you a stakeholder position in the company. The company offered refunds. Now they offer product. That's what your $300 investment brought you.

Even with the announcement of PRODUCTION copies being shipped (like they were supposed to all along), some folks are STILL flogging this dead horse. Now it's renewed demands to know "wait times", etc. I got news for you, they don't have anyone sitting around with nothing better to do than constantly flipping back and forth through "lists" to let each and every one of you know where you are, or how long this will take. Did some of you not ask for refunds JUST so you could continue to complain even after copies are shipping?

Heysooose-Mary-and-Joseph on tricycles!

Not one apology to Marty, or SSK for some of the outlandish and sometimes down right insulting accusations (like "inferring" that the product will never be made, and SSK has made off with the money, etc?).

08-25-2023, 07:08 PM
WELL SAID SLIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tea:

08-25-2023, 08:16 PM
For some $300 is still a goodly sum and expect to be treated fairly and not keep out on a limb by them saying coming soon. It would only take a few minutes for them to keep those that put down $300 to keep them informed. It's not like they have to print off several hundred letters and then mail. Let's face it with today's modern technology all one had to do is write one email and then bring up their mailing list add the proper names and hit send, it doesn't take much time at all. In my personal opinion they should have been up front on what was happening. The statement that was made (Not one apology to Marty, or SSK for some of the outlandish and sometimes downright insulting accusations (like "inferring" that the product will never be made, and SSK has made off with the money, etc?). Is protected 1st amendment rights, remember we are pushing our second amendment rights. After 3 years people are going to start to wonder, and they have the right to think the way they do. I haven't seen where SSK or Marty has made an apology to those that put down their money and taking 3 years to get the product out the door either. My feelings are they should have keep everyone updated and told them what the real reason was for the long delay.

This is my personal feelings and has no bearing on Savage Shooters Forum which is a great forum for us to discuss these issues.

08-25-2023, 09:31 PM
I have to say that this one of the least constructive or consequential "debates" I've seen on a forum. :biggrin-new::biggrin-new:
I guess maybe it's somehow important and necessary to defend SSK against all that terrible negativity but I don't think they really care one way or another. Since they don't have a "public relations department with nothing better to do than to keep up with every single website, email and social media outlet", they've never even been aware of all those awful things that so many people seem to be saying. :rolleyes: I've personally had pretty crappy dealings with them over other matters so I don't feel as if I owe them any reverence or devotion.
I was happy to get on the waiting list and I'll be quite happy when my number comes up and I can get a couple of frames. I was completely perplexed every time there was another big "coming soon" announcement followed by many more months of nothing but it really didn't make any difference either way. They'd either eventually show up or not. If I had skin in the game, I might have been a little less laid back about it. :)
Now that there seems to be some actual movement toward order fulfillment, I think Contender fans finally have something to be excited about. Going back and forth about who should or shouldn't have expressed their opinion or vented their exasperation seems completely irrelevant to the discussion. :)
Just my opinion...also pretty much completely irrelevant to the discussion when it comes right down to it, I suppose. :D :D :D

08-26-2023, 09:00 AM
[QUOTE=Magnum Mike;515315]Got my flat side today. I didn't realize it would have black nitride hammer, trigger, and trigger guard. Maybe it was stated as such at the beginning and 3.5+ years later, I forgot!

I just checked a product photo from Nov 2019, and those components were shown as black. Makes for a classy look.

Slowpoke Slim
08-26-2023, 11:15 AM
Well since the only source of info I had has "left the building" (SP forums are gone).

Any history of "who said what, to who, and when" is conveniently gone.

I remember SSK offering explanations and apologies in the past (long about the time they started offering REFUNDS) for some hold ups. I'm sure each time it was hard for them to come forward. I'm also sure that has been "conveniently forgotten" by some howler's.

Anyway, no longer matters. Product is being shipped. SOME customers will be happy about that. SOME will continue to complain like old women. Anyone still so righteously indignant about the whole thing will just continue to complain and make sure they get their $300 worth out of Marty's hide. Must suck to own your own business and still have to answer to 400 tyrants (actually just a VERY small percentage of the 400) because they each sent you $300.

I bet SSK CAN'T WAIT to offer the same deal to folks to bring out an Encore frame in the future. (that was sarcasm, by the way). Lessons learned on both sides, I would say.

Dave Hoback
08-26-2023, 12:04 PM
So I was never part of SP Forums or anything concerning this debacle. I’m simply an outsider looking in. While I believe it’s wrong for a company to take money for orders they know are years out, its our responsibility as buyers, to do the research and be aware. If a person can’t wait, they can ask for a refund. The only time despairing comments are warranted, is when a company fails to meet a deadline, is contacted & asked for a refund and they refuse out-rite. However, no one should expect a refund out of the blue. Or, day to day updates. As was stated, these people are running a small business. Worst comes to it, anyone can file a charge back correspondence with their financial institution or lender. (I’ve had to do that one time for an On Line firearms parts provider.) Your money for products or service is guaranteed. And always make certain your payment has a paper trail. Don’t pay ahead for items with Cash or M.O. without a proper receipt. And never, EVER pay online with those untraceable gift cards or pay services. (Besides those we know are safe. PayPal, Venmo, etc.) Although I won’t even use those. Everything I do is through my Credit Union, Debit-MasterCard.