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02-24-2024, 12:58 PM
The more I think about it.....Your going to find that "group" shooters are more apt to
load at a match where most "score" shooters don't.

charlie b
02-24-2024, 06:53 PM
That's interesting. I would have thought the reverse.

03-09-2024, 09:46 AM
Fuj' (http://www.savageshooters.com/member.php?51142-Fuj)

I have learned allot not only from this post but from your comments on my thread. THANK YOU. Fact is I should of listened to you when you stated I don't need a new barrel nut. After getting the new barrel and nut now I see why! I will indeed listen next time you make a suggestion.

I feel your frustrations about a rifle going out to left field on a match. But the learning experience afterwards I believe is "almost" nearly as good as placing. You should be very proud of what you have learned and corrected why it went south. To me you did not lose at all.

You say your not a Carbon Copy guy, well I am at this time as I am learning about all the modern changes in Savages and their potential for competition. Savage is not a Model 70 Winchester nor is a 700 Rem. with decades of mods for accuracy and precision. A Savage competition platform is definitely a new game and IMHO it has a bright future in competition.

Allot is owed to men like you. Especially when one is strongly considering the competition game with a Savage platform.


03-09-2024, 01:45 PM
Fuj' (http://www.savageshooters.com/member.php?51142-Fuj)

I have learned allot not only from this post but from your comments on my thread. THANK YOU. Fact is I should of listened to you when you stated I don't need a new barrel nut. After getting the new barrel and nut now I see why! I will indeed listen next time you make a suggestion.


I'll throw another can of worms in your direction. When I was still using a nut, I would step cut the tenon
on a 1.25" max varmint barrel and still use the nut. Now as of a couple of years back, I no longer use a nut,
and all match barrels are shouldered. Adds to the barrel stiffness factor.

03-09-2024, 03:20 PM
I'll throw another can of worms in your direction. When I was still using a nut, I would step cut the tenon
on a 1.25" max varmint barrel and still use the nut. Now as of a couple of years back, I no longer use a nut,
and all match barrels are shouldered. Adds to the barrel stiffness factor.

Makes a lot of sense eliminating the nut. Thank you

As this build grows and I learn more I'll put that as a must for my next barrel.



06-24-2024, 05:02 PM
Yes they are !! With a few ongoing mods and load development work,
I'm looking forward to 2024.
Fuj, sorry to hear about the mishap at Anderson. Sounds like a case gave it up? Happened to Me once in a match, and Jack Ballon got the front of the case out of My chamber with 2 minutes to go in the relay, and I was able to finish up. Hope it’s an easy fix and the cause and solution comes quickly. Was hoping to see the 284 Short in the top of the field of all those 6mm’s.

06-25-2024, 07:13 AM
Fuj, sorry to hear about the mishap at Anderson. Sounds like a case gave it up? Happened to Me once in a match, and Jack Ballon got the front of the case out of My chamber with 2 minutes to go in the relay, and I was able to finish up. Hope it’s an easy fix and the cause and solution comes quickly. Was hoping to see the 284 Short in the top of the field of all those 6mm’s.

It's still stinging a bit, but life goes on, and the world still turns......I poured "Yield" down the bore to be above
the neck. I'm letting it sit for a few days, then I'll nudge it out......On Fridays sighter target, I shot a 3/4", a 1/2"
then a 5/8th" group at 300. Rifle was competitive......As for Jack Balon ?? Good guy !! Early on and waiting on my
first relay, we were all sweating hard. It was in the 90's. Jack was sitting with a small barrel cooler fan blowing on
him. I went over to my cooler and pulled out a frozen ice bottle and placed it in front of his fan. Field expedient AC.