View Full Version : Question about this 99 Lever. (the lever it self is bent)

06-21-2024, 02:59 AM

Please clink on this link above ^^^^

Looking to buy this gun.


Are these levers normally bent?
If no, I have to assume this one is done by abuse or intentionally.
If intentionally, can you guess why?https://app.gemoo.com/share/image-annotation/662669298145251328?codeId=M0aZrzmXy6pQq&origin=imageurlgenerator&card=662669296828207104

Does it have something to to do with safety?

Any concerns?

Tang safety.
Savage 99A
Serial number B5838xx
MFG 1974

06-21-2024, 10:28 PM
A full picture of the receiver of the gun would be helpful. How does the lever seem to work? Have you test fired the gun? If the gun loads , fires OK and ejects OK then this could just be a cosmetic thing however the gun may have a worn or damaged lever and someone tried to do a blacksmith (heavy hammer) job on the lever.