View Full Version : shaw custom barrel 338-06 issue

06-27-2024, 12:06 AM
I bought a Shaw barrel in 338-06 in October of 2022 and am finally getting around to building my rifle. LA Stevens 200 originally in 30-06 which i understand is similar/same to savage 110. No matter how "tight" i crank down the receiver ie. so tight the bolt barely closes The NO-GO gauge goes. I think the chamber is cut too deep. I will try to post pictures. Please assume I understand how go-no-go gauges work. I'm not looking for a tutorial on that. I have brand new norma brass that measures out perfect max case length of 2.494". I understand from searching this excellent forum that the case should protrude from the breech -.125 to 0.130. i am attempting to measure that. Now that im looking at the original20240626_205556 barrel i see my problem