Well as all of you know I have trouble with mobility. Iowa offers a permit so mobility disabled hunters can use their OHVs' (ATV, UTV and Tracked Wheel chairs) on public land. Heres the catch OHV's for mobility impaired folks have to stay on two track type paths or stay on wildlife area roads.

Tell me how can I trap a cat, or yote from these roads. How can I shoot pheasant, rabbit, quail, squirrel from such roads. If I set traps they will be stolen, and the second is obvious! NOT that many game animals can be taken from a road regularly. Besides its illegal to shoot across a road in Iowa. And during deer season its illegal to shoot from a road.

I have talked to Iowa DNR and they wont change their ways. Despite the Federal Laws for ADA stating they must justify it and to throw a out a cart blanch term "Safety" as their reason is not enough. In fact the ADA states basically that I shall be able to go anywhere a person does that is ambulatory.

BTW when I broke my hip 30 years ago Iowa issued me a UHV permit that I could use anywhere. To boot it was NON expiring and I still have it. But two weeks ago Iowa DBR told me its no longer valid, and I have to apply each year for a new one. Go Figure that one out??